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Section One: Astronaut Experiences
Tour the Walter M. "Wally" Schirra, Jr. Space Flight Gallery with Wally Schirra

Dedicated to the only man to carry the distinction of flying in all three of the early space programs: Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, the Walter M. "Wally" Schirra, Jr. Space Flight Gallery at the San Diego Aerospace Museum includes full size reproduction of spacecraft, as well as several models and spacesuits.
The winning bidder and three of his/her guests will meet with Wally Schirra to tour the gallery that carries his name. You will also view the museum's other exhibits, including the Apollo 9 capsule and the International Aerospace Hall of Fame with its oil painting portraits of Charles Lindbergh, Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong and the Wright brothers.
The San Diego Aerospace Museum is located in California.
Transportation and accommodations are not included. The actual dates of this tour, not to exceed one year after the close of the auction, will be determined by Capt. Schirra's schedule. ASF reserves the right to disqualify the high bidder, to reject the high bid, and to accept a bid from a lower bidder, for any reason within their discretion, which shall be exercised in good faith. The winning bidder of this event may be required to submit proof of identity and be subject to a background check.
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