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Section One: Astronaut Experiences
Tee Off for a Round of Golf with Charlie Duke, Apollo 16 Moonwalker

Few experiences are on par with this lot!
Apollo 16 moonwalker Charlie Duke will join the winner of this lot for a round of golf at Hawk's Nest, a private club in Vero Beach, Florida. In addition to an ASF representative, your foursome will be completed by Apollo 15 astronaut Al Worden. That's right... a bonus astronaut!
During your time together, Gen. Duke may recount how he became the tenth man to walk on the Moon, his time with NASA, and his experiences being an astronaut. As you hit the links, there will be ample time for your questions about space flight and Gen. Duke's career.
Transportation and accommodations are not included. The actual date of the event, not to exceed one year after the close of the auction, will be determined by Gen. Duke's schedule. ASF reserves the right to disqualify the high bidder, to reject the high bid, and to accept a bid from a lower bidder, for any reason within their discretion, which shall be exercised in good faith. The winning bidder of this event may be required to submit proof of identity and be subject to a background check.
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