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Section Two: Astronaut Artifacts
Bill Pogue's SL-4 Launch Invitation and Flown Teleprinter Page

This piece of heat sensitive paper was used aboard the United States first space station, Skylab to print uplinked instructions for the Skylab III (SL-4) crew.
On its reverse, using a pen (and ink) that was also flown aboard the station, SL-4 Pilot Bill Pogue certifies the paper as having flown over 100 million miles (over 4,300 orbits) between May 14, 1973 and February 8, 1974, from the day the station was launched to the day he landed.
Also included with this lot is an original NASA invitation to the launch of Skylab III, dated for November 11, 1973 (the mission launched five days later). This invitation is signed by the crew using their first names and further inscribed by Pogue to note that it originated from his personal collection.
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