This document, reprinted here for reference, can be found on NASA's Online Directives Information System (NODIS)
NASA Policy Directive
NPD 4300.4D: Use of Space Shuttle and Aerospace Vehicle Materials as Mementos
Effective Date: December 09, 1999 Expiration Date: December 29, 2012
Responsible Office: Logistics Management Division
1. Policy
It is NASA policy that Space Shuttle and Aerospace Vehicle Materials are considered eligible for use as mementos or disposition consistent with Federal law and Agency regulations, as appropriate. Not covered under this policy are items flown on the Space Shuttle, e.g., flags, to be used as mementos as covered by 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1214.6, "Mementos Aboard Space Shuttle Flights," and items determined to be artifacts as covered by NPR 4310.1, "Identification and Disposition of NASA Artifacts."
- Space Shuttle and Aerospace Vehicle materials are considered eligible for use as mementos provided that the following occurs:
- NASA determines that they have no value for operations, research, analysis, or other related purposes;
- They have been determined not to be artifacts;
- They are unserviceable and determined to have little, if any, commercial value, and retention is neither needed nor in the best interest of the Government; and
- They represent no danger to the public's health and safety.
- Disposition of Space Shuttle and Aerospace Vehicles materials may occur through any of the following means:
- May be transferred to other Federal agencies or eligible donees, sold to the general public, abandoned, or destroyed by the designated Center Property Disposal Officer in accordance with Federal Laws, Regulations, NPD 4300.1, "NASA Personal Property Disposal Policy," and NPR 4300.1, "NASA Personal Property Disposal Procedures and Guidelines.
- If in nominal amounts and not exceeding a nominal value, may be given to NASA employees or NASA contractor personnel as mementos for motivational purposes under the authority of this directive.
- May be given to other individuals or organizations as an official NASA gift memento under the authority of this directive when determined to be in the public interest.
- Mementos provided by NASA to its employees, its contractors, or other individuals will be restricted so that no further subdivision and sale of the material is practical. The recipient cannot utilize such gifts for profit-making purposes.
2. Applicability
- This NPD applies to NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities; and to NASA contractors, grantees, and cooperative agreement partners to the extent specified in the instrument governing the relationship.
- This NPD does not apply to items flown on the Space Shuttle (e.g., flags to be used as mementos) that are covered by 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subpart 1214.6, "Mementos Aboard Space Shuttle Flights."
- This NPD does not apply to items determined to be artifacts, as covered by NPR 4310.1, "Identification and Disposition of NASA Artifacts."
3. Authority
42 U.S.C. 2473 (a) (3) and 2473 (c) (1), Sections 203 (a) (3) and 203 (c) (1) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended.
4. Applicable Documents
- 14 CFR Subpart 1214.6, "Mementos Aboard Space Shuttle Flights."
- 14 CFR Subpart 1221.1, "NASA Seal, NASA Insignia, NASA Logotype, NASA Program Identifiers, NASA Flags, and the Agency's Unified Visual Communication System."
- NPR 4310.1, "Identification and Disposition of NASA Artifacts."
- NPD 4300.1, "NASA Personal Property Disposal Policy."
- NPR 4300.1, "NASA Personal Property Disposal Procedural Requirements."
5. Responsibility
- The Associate Administrator for Space Flight and the Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, NASA Headquarters, are responsible for approving the use of Space Shuttle material or items as official NASA gifts or mementos.
- The Associate Administrator of Aeronautics and the Assistant Administrator for Public affairs, NASA Headquarters, are responsbile for approving the use of Aeronautic Vehicle materials or items as official NASA gifts and mementos.
- The Assistant Administrator for Institutional and Corporate Management, or designee, and then the General Counsel, or designee, NASA Headquarters, are responsible for reviewing all requests for use of Space Shuttle materials as gifts or mementos to ensure compliance with established regulations and directives governing the disposal and disbursement of Government property.
- Any NASA employee who requests that a Space Shuttle material or item be designated or presented as a gift or memento is responsible for ensuring, prior to the approval as stated in 5.a and 5.b above, that the request is reviewed by the designated officials under 5.c above. Information related to transferring mementos to any non-Federal source shall also be provided to the Center Property Disposal Officer for inclusion in the annual "Non- Federal Recipients Report."
- Any loan or transfer of NASA property to non-Federal organizations must be reported each fiscal year to the appropriate Center Property Disposal Officer.
- On occasions when objects will be widely distributed, employees or officials who request, review, or approve such requests, should ensure sufficient prior coordination and that the requests address the following:
- Purpose of the distribution.
- Group or individual to whom the objects are to be distributed.
- Cost and value of the objects.
- Relationship between the objects and the program under which they are being distributed.
- Benefit to NASA from the distribution.
- The nature of the objects i.e., award versus a personal gift.
6. Delegation of Authority
7. Measurements/Verification
8. Cancellation
NPD 4300.4C, dated December 9, 1999.
March 29, 2004

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