This document, reprinted for reference only, appears as originally issued by NASA in August 1972. The policies outlined here were later replaced by Code of Federal Regulations, Title 14, Volume 5, Part 1214.6: Mementos Aboard Space Shuttle Flights.
Articles Authorized to be Carried on Manned Spaceflight Missions
NASA MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTION Effective Date: Aug. 31, 1972
1. PURPOSE: This Instruction establishes policy, procedures and responsibilities governing the selection, approval, packing, post-flight disposition and public announcement of articles authorized to be carried on manned space flight missions.
2. DEFINITIONS: The two types of kits containing articles and items authorized to be carried on manned space flight missions are defined as:
- Official Flight Kit (OFK) - contains selected multiple items such as flags, patches, medallions and other memorabilia to be presented to government officials, members of the Congress and others who receive such gifts as a result of individual contributions to the space program as determined by the Administrator. Stamps or postal covers may be included only if sponsored by NASA or another government agency.
- Astronaut Preference Kit (APK) - contains individual items of a personal nature selected by each flight astronaut for each manned space flight mission.
3. POLICY: It is NASA policy that:
- Articles authorized to be carried on manned space flight missions shall be limited to those items approved by the Administrator or his designee for inclusion in the OFK and the individual APKs in accordance with the provisions of this Instruction.
- Each flight astronaut shall be permitted to carry certain items of a personal nature in his APK on each manned space flight mission for use by him as personal gifts for his immediate family and relatives (wives, children, parents, in-laws, brothers and sisters) or close friends. No more than one article may be given to one individual.
- The total number of items selected by each astronaut for his APK shall be limited to twelve and shall not exceed 0.5 pounds in weight.
- Items carried in APKs shall not be sold or transferred for sale, or used or transferred for economic gain or for any commercial or fund raising purpose. Items are prohibited that by their nature may lend themselves to exploitation by the recipients, create problems with respect to good taste or have a known or suspected commercial value, such as philatelic covers, coins and medallions.
- Each flight astronaut shall certify that he understands the policy governing APKs, the intended purpose of the items carried is personal, and that they will not be sold or transferred for sale, or used or transferred for economic gain or for any commercial or fund raising purpose, and that there are no other items on board that the astronaut is carrying either for himself or for any other person, other than those items in the OFK.
- Apollo Program: The OFK will be carried in the Command and Service Module. The total weight of this kit shall not exceed 53.5 pounds per mission. The APKs to be carried onboard the Lunar Module shall be limited to 0.5 pounds per astronaut or a total weight of 1.5 pounds.
- Skylab Program: The OFK will be carried in the Command and Service Module. The total weight of this kit shall not exceed 13.5 pounds per mission. The APKs to be carried on the Command and Service Module shall be limited to 0.5 pounds per astronaut or a total weight of 1.5 pounds.
- Future Programs: The OFKs and the APKs to be carried onboard spacecraft in future programs will be limited to weights proposed by the Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight (AA/MSF) and approved by the Administrator.
- Exceptions: Overall weight considerations may require reduction of these established weight allowances for a particular mission at the discretion of the Program Manager. If the weight exceeds that allowed for a mission, the AA/MSF will either grant a waiver or propose removal of specific items from the OFK and/or APKs to conform with the weight restrictions and obtain the administrator's approval. In that event, the weight and contents will be recertified.
- Official Flight Kit: The Director, Manned Spacecraft Center shall suggest the list of items for inclusion in the OFK and submit the list, together with weight data, through the AA/MSF for final selection by the Administrator.
- Astronaut Preference Kits:
- Each flight astronaut shall prepare a list of items proposed for his APK, including quantities and the proposed recipients. He shall ensure that it conforms to the policy in this Instruction and will certify that it is a complete list. The list shall be signed by the flight astronaut and submitted with the certification shown in Attachment A to the Director, Flight Crew Operations, MSC for his review not less than 60 days prior, to the scheduled launch date.
- The Director, Flight Crew Operations, shall review the lists of items submitted for inclusion in the APKs for conformance with the provisions of this Instruction and submit the lists, certifications and weight data through the Director, MSC to the AA/MSF not less than 4 days prior to the scheduled launch date. He shall certify that the APKs are within established weight limitations and submit the weight data to the Spacecraft Program Manager, MSC.
- The list of items proposed for inclusion in each individual APK, related weight data and necessary certifications shall be approved by the AA/MSF with the concurrence of the Administrator not less than 30 days prior to the scheduled launch date.
6. PREFLIGHT PACKAGING AND STORAGE OF KIT: The Apollo Spacecraft Program Manager, MSC or his designee shall ensure that the OFK and the APKs are packaged and sealed in his presence in accordance with appropriate program directives, that they correspond with the approved lists of contents, and that the kits are placed in bonded storage not less than 21 days prior to the scheduled launch date. He shall certify in writing through the Director, MSC to the AA/MSF that this procedure has been completed.
- Official Flight Kit: The contents of the OFK for a given mission will he announced by the Administratoror his designee as appropriate.
- Astronaut Preference Kits:
- The contents of the APKs for a given mission may be announced by the astronaut or his designee at a time of his choosing subsequent to the approval of the contents by the AA/MSF. However, items that have not been announced publicly cannot be divulged in personal stories by a flight astronaut. In any event, the list of items shall be made public by NASA within 30 days after completion of the flight.
- The Director, Flight Crew Operations, MSC will receive and respond to all post-launch inquiries regarding the contents of the APKs during the course of the mission.
- The Director, Flight Operations, MSC shall ensure the removal of the kits from the spacecraft after recovery and the safekeeping and return of the OFK and the APKs to the Director, Flight Crew Operations, MSC immediately following the mission.
- The Director, Flight Crew Operations, MSC shall return the APKs to the individual flight astronauts and forward the OFK through the Director, MSC to the AA/MSF for disposition of the contents by the Administrator.
9. INITIAL CERTIFICATION: Upon issuance of this instruction, each astronaut shall certify in writing that he has read and will comply with the provisions of this instruction. Such certification shall be maintained in his personnel file and shall be updated upon his assignment to a crew.

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