Astronautical Books Published in 2008
Also see: 2006 | 2007 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011
This list of more than 70 titles was compiled by the American Astronautical Society History Committee.
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Allen, Marc. NASA Space Science Vision Missions. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. [discuss | order ]
Bachiller, Rafael, and José Cernicharo. Science with the Atacama Large Array Millimeter Array: A New Era for Astrophysics. Springer Praxis. [order ]
Barratt, Michael, and Sam Pool. Editors. Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight. Springer Praxis. [order ]
Barucci, M.A., H. Boehnhardt, D.P. Chruikshank, and A. Morbidelli. (Eds.). The Solar System Beyond Neptune. University of Arizona Press. [order ]
Bell, Jim. Mars 3-D: A Rover's-Eye View of the Red Planet. Sterling. [discuss | order ]
Bell, Jim (Ed.). The Martian Surface: Composition, Mineralogy and Physical Properties. Cambridge University Press. [order ]
Bennett, Jeffrey. Beyond UFOs: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future. Princeton University Press. [order ]
Bond, Peter. Jane's Space Recognition Guide. Collins. [discuss | order ]
Burgess, Colin and Rex Hall. The First Soviet Cosmonaut Team: Their Lives and Legacies. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Callmers, William N. Space Policy and Exploration. Nova Science Publishers. [order ]
Catchpole, John. The International Space Station: Building for the Future. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Chaikin, Andrew. A Passion for Mars: Intrepid Explorers of the Red Planet. Harry N. Abrams. [discuss | order ]
Clément, Gilles and Millard F. Reschke. Neuroscience in Space. Springer. [order ]
Chertok, Boris. Rockets and People, Volume III: Hot Days of the Cold War. NASA SP-2008-4110.
Codignola, Luca and Kai-Uwe Schrogl (Eds.). Humans in Outer Space: Interdisciplinary Odysseys. Springer. [discuss | order ]
Conway, Erik. Atmospheric Science at NASA: A History. Johns Hopkins University Press. [discuss | order ]
Davis, Jeffrey R., Robert Johnson, Jan Stepanek, and Jennifer A. Fogarty. Editors. Fundamentals of Aerospace Medicine. 4th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Williams. [order ]
De Maria, Michelangelo, and Lucia Orlandi. Italy in Space: Looking for a Strategy, 1957-1975. Beauchesne Editeur. [discuss | order ]
Dean, James and Bertram Ulrich. NASA/ART: 50 Year of Exploration. Henry N. Abrams. [discuss | order ]
Devorkin, David and Robert Smith. Hubble: Imaging Space and Time. National Geographic. [discuss | order ]
Dick, Steven J., and Roger D. Launius. (Eds.). Remembering the Space Age: 50th Anniversary Conference Proceedings. NASA SP-2008-4703.
Gainor, Chris. To a Distant Day: The Rocket Pioneers. University of Nebraska Press. [discuss | order ]
Godwin, Matthew. The Skylark Rocket: British space science and the European Space Research Organisation 1957-1972. Beauchesne Editeur. [discuss | order ]
Gordon, R. Michael. Space Shuttle Program: How NASA Lost Its Way. McFarland. [discuss | order ]
Gorn, Michael H. Super Structures In Space: From Satellites to Space Stations - A Guide to What's Out There. Merrell Publishers. [discuss | order ]
Graveline, Duane. From Laika With Love. Privately published. [discuss]
Greenberg, Richard. Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter's Ocean Moon. Springer. [order ]
Griffin, Michael. Leadership in Space: Selected Speeches of NASA Administrator Griffin - May 2005 to October 2008. NASA SP-2008-564.
Harris, Philip R. Space Enterprise: Living and Working Offworld in the 21st Century. Springer/Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Harland, David. Exploring the Moon: The Apollo Expeditions. 2nd (commemorative) edition. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Hengeveld, Ed. Space Art. Privately published. [discuss]
Hitt, David, Owen Garriott and Joe Kerwin. Homesteading Space: The Skylab Story. University of Nebraska Press. [discuss | order ]
Hunley, J.D. Preludes to U.S. Space-Launch Vehicle Technology: Goddard Rockets to Minuteman III. University Press of Florida. [order ]
Hunley, J.D. U.S. Space-Launch Vehicle Technology: Viking to Space Shuttle. University Press of Florida. [discuss | order ]
Ivanovich, Grujica S. Salyut: The First Space Station: Triumph and Tragedy. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Jones, Tom and Ellen Stofan. Planetology: Unlocking the Secrets of the Solar System. National Geographic Society. [discuss | order ]
Kanas, N., and D. Manzey. Space Psychology and Psychiatry (2nd edition).. Springer Praxis. [order ]
LaViolette, Paul. Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion: Tesla, UFOs, and Classified Aerospace Technology. Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. [order ]
Launius, Roger D., and Howard E. McCurdy. Robots in Space: Technology, Evolution, and Interplanetary Travel. Johns Hopkins University Press. [discuss | order ]
Linehan, Dan. SpaceShipOne: An Illustrated History. Zenith Press. [discuss | order ]
Lawrie, Alan. Saturn 1/1B Burlington, Ontario. Apogee Books. [discuss | order ]
Logsdon, John M., with Roger D. Launius (Eds.). Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program, Volume VII, Human Spaceflight: Projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. NASA SP-2008-4407.
Lorenz, Ralph, and Jacqueline Mitton. Titan Unveiled: Saturn's Mysterious Moon Explored. Princeton University Press. [order ]
Mathieu, Charlotte, Nicolas Peter and Kai-Uwe Schrogl (Eds.). Yearbook on Space Policy 2006/2007: New Impetus for Europe. Springer. [discuss | order ]
McCracken, Ken. Blast Off: Scientific Adventures at the Dawn of the Space Age. New Holland Publishers. [discuss | order ]
McCray, W. Patrick. Keep Watching the Skies! The Story of Operation Moonwatch and the Dawn of the Space Age. Princeton University Press. [discuss | order ]
Merlin, Peter and Tony Moore. X-Plane Crashes: Exploring Experimental, Rocket Plane & Spycraft Incidents, Accidents & Crash Sites. Specialty Press. [discuss | order ]
Mindell, David A. Digital Apollo: Human, Machine, and Space. MIT Press. [discuss | order ]
Montandon, Mac. Jetpack Dreams: One Man's Up and Down (But Mostly Down) Search for the Greatest Invention That Never Was. Da Capo Press. [order ]
Moore, Mike. Twilight War: The Folly of U.S. Space Dominance. The Independent Institute. [order ]
Nickell, Duane. Guidebook for the Scientific Traveler: Visiting Astronomy and Space Exploration Sites across America. Rutgers University Press. [discuss | order ]
Nolan, Kevin. Mars, A Cosmic Stepping Stone: Uncovering Humanity's Cosmic Context. Springer-Verlag. [order ]
North, John. Cosmos: An Illustrated History of Astronomy and Cosmology. Revised Edition. University of Chicago Press. [order ]
Parkinson, Bob (Ed.). Interplanetary: A History of the British Interplanetary Society. British Interplanetary Society.
Poole, Robert. Earthrise: How Man First Saw the Earth. Yale University Press. [discuss | order ]
Pop, Virgilu. Who Owns the Moon? Estraterrestrial Aspects of Land and Mineral Resources Ownership. Springer. [discuss | order ]
Powell, John M. Floating to Space: Opportunities in the Untapped Sky. Apogee Books. [order ]
Rogers, Lucy. It's ONLY Rocket Science: An Introduction in Plain English. Springer. [discuss | order ]
Rose, Bill. Secret Projects: Military Space Technology. Midland Publishing Ltd. [discuss | order ]
Sandau, Rainer, Hans-Peter Röser, and Arnoldo Valenzuela. Small Satellites for Earth Observation.. Springer Praxis. [order ]
Seedhouse, Erik, Tourists in Space: A Practical Guide. Springer Praxis. [order ]
Seedhouse, Erik. Lunar Outpost: The Challenges of Establishing a Human Settlement on the Moon. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Shayler, David. Around the World in 84 Days. Apogee Books. [discuss | order ]
Shepherd, Gordon, and Agnes Kruchio. Canada's Fifty Years in Space. Apogee Books. [discuss | order ]
Tsiao, Sunny. "Read You Loud and Clear!" The Story of NASA's Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network. NASA SP-2007-4232. [discuss]
Turner, Martin. Rocket and Spacecraft Propulsion: Principles, Practice and New Developments. Third Edition. Springer Praxis. [order ]
Ulivi, Paolo and David Harland. Robotic Exploration of the Solar System: Part II: Hiatus and Renewal, 1983-1996. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
van Hoften, James, et al. Managing Space Radiation Risk in the New Era of Space Exploration. National Academies Press. [discuss | order ]
Vogt, Gregory. Landscapes of Mars: A Visual Tour. Springer. [order ]
Vulpetti, Giovanni et al. Solar Sails: A Novel Approach to Interplanetary Travel. Springer-Verlag. [discuss | order ]
Woods, W. David. How Apollo Flew to the Moon. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Young, Anthony. The Saturn V F-1 Engine: Powering Apollo into History. Springer Praxis. [discuss | order ]
Zimmerman, Robert. The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It. Princeton University Press. [discuss | order ]
Zubrin, Robert. How To Live On Mars. Three Rivers Press (Random House) [order ]

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