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12/31/00 -

2001: A space memorabilia odyssey

12/13/00 -

USS Hornet 'recovers' Apollo-era craft

12/04/00 -

Space Voyagers: the next generation

11/20/00 -

The nuts and bolts of Liberty Bell 7

11/03/00 -

Space and stars sought in Beverly Hills

11/03/00 -

Spacecraft: the ultimate space memorabilia

10/06/00 -

A truly large space auction

10/03/00 -

Alan Bean "artagraph" announced

09/27/00 -

House passes moon rock bill

09/21/00 -

Gherman Titov, second to orbit Earth, dies

09/11/00 -

Chinese space memorabilia now available

09/08/00 -

Astronaut autographs lead to arrest

08/31/00 -

Patch uncovers classified satellites

08/24/00 -

NASA investigates Apollo 11 handrail sale

08/23/00 -

Shuttle Challenger debris seller convicted

08/21/00 -

Moon voyager Aldrin joins Space Voyagers

08/17/00 -

Gilruth, architect of manned spaceflight dies

07/26/00 -

NASA's new astronaut candidates

07/17/00 -

"Faith" regained: Gordon Cooper interview

06/28/00 -

Space hologram to open Expo

06/06/00 -

A Close Encounter With "Gordo" Cooper

05/23/00 -

Original cosmonaut Khrunov laid to rest

05/12/00 -

The Return Of Buzz Aldrin

05/02/00 -

High interest, values highlight auction

04/27/00 -

Spacecraft launched on nationwide tour

04/12/00 -

Houston, we have a collectible...

04/02/00 -

Stamps honor decade of Hubble Telescope

03/31/00 -

Armstrong confirms forgeries on eBay

03/21/00 -

Novel to "return" Aldrin, Barnes to space

03/16/00 -

Failure is not an option for Kranz book tour

03/12/00 -

Superior to sell space artifacts at auction

03/04/00 -

Collector's passion goes public

02/14/00 -

No retirement for Snoopy at NASA

02/11/00 -

John Glenn honored with postage stamp

02/10/00 -

Russian shuttle lands down under

02/04/00 -

Saturn V rocket restoration launched

01/15/00 -

ASTP artifacts stolen from museum

01/09/00 -

New website values auctioned autographs

01/05/00 -

U.S. stamp to honor space shuttle

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