Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun
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/ 9:00 a.m. ET
The return of Apollo? A small team was chartered by NASA last month to evaluate the Apollo command and service modules for possible use as a crew return or transfer vehicle for the International Space Station. The consensus was that a serious study of the concept was warranted. The first part of their findings has now been published, with more information expected to be posted.
/ 7:10 p.m. ET
Auction registration now open: Whether you desire to have dinner with James Lovell, play golf with Al Worden or own Alan Shepard's personal Freedom 7 model — there's something for every collector and your bids go to a great cause! All proceeds from the May 24, auction will benefit the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation and their programs to inspire excellence among science and math students. With the likes of Mike Collins and John Glenn contributing, not to mention 10 more astronauts, the only questions left should be: What and how high will you bid?
/ 11:38 p.m. ET
Addition and subtraction: Scott Carpenter will mark 41 years since his Aurora 7 flight on May 24, as our guest at the UACC autograph show in Washington, DC. He will be there to autograph copies of "For Spacious Skies" as well as collectors' memorabilia. Carpenter's addition to the roster retains the guest count at 15, after Alan Bean withdrew his attendance according to show sponsors.
/ 11:36 a.m. ET
Silent auction update: Take an unforgettable tour of aerospace history with the only astronaut to fly Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo! The latest addition to the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation's silent auction, Walter Schirra will join the bidder and three guests at the International Aerospace Hall of Fame in San Diego, Calif. (Lot 002a).
/ 2:04 p.m. ET
ApolloEECOM.com: You may know Sy Liebergot best as the controller portrayed by Ron Howard's brother, Clint in "Apollo 13". In real life, Liebergot's life as a member of the Apollo Mission Control was equally engaging. He shares his story in his memoirs, "Apollo EECOM: Journey of Lifetime" and on his new website, ApolloEECOM.com.
/ 7:02 p.m. ET
All-American Boys: Walt Cunnnigham (Apollo 7) has updated his website with news of the re-release of his memoirs, "The All-American Boys". Set to hit stores June 23 with new cover art, the revised edition will be sold through national bookstores and online catalogs. Copies signed by Cunnigham will be sold through collectSPACE, with advance orders beginning to be taken soon.
/ 1:01 a.m. ET
Souvenirs vs stolen property: On the one hand, NASA says that they are theirs alone. On the other, gift shops, some of them located at NASA centers, sell samples as souvenirs. Former NASA Agent Joseph Gutheinz asks the question: Is it legal to privately own Space Shuttle tiles?
/ 8:58 a.m. ET
The Late Show with David Letterman Livingston: Each week, The Space Show invites callers to discuss space commerce with host David Livingston. Tonight's focus is space memorablia. Collectors can call or send e-mails for guest Robert Pearlman, beginning at 10:00pm EDT.
/ 12:50 a.m. ET
Aurora approaching: Aurora Galleries' third space sale is quickly approaching with bidding scheduled to begin May 31 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Calabasas, Calif. The auction will feature 1700 lots, including all three flown spacesuit nametags from Apollo 15. David Scott will be present to sign autographs for a fee. Illustrated catalogs are expected to ship to registered bidders this weekend. An online version will be posted this week.
/ 2:06 a.m. ET
Columbia toilet thief indicted: Ignoring for a moment that stealing Space Shuttle Columbia debris is, in and of itself, a distasteful activity, can anyone understand what Daniel Williams was hoping for when he stole the toilet? Labeled the "compactor tank assembly," it was well used by seven people for 16 days. Need we say more?
/ 8:07 p.m. ET
Bid on The Right Stuff: Scott Carpenter and Gordon Cooper have joined their fellow astronauts consigning to the ASF Silent Auction, with experiences that will bring bidders closer to "The Right Stuff". Join Cooper at the Hollywood star-studded screening or, if you prefer, be seated with Carpenter at "The Right Stuff" Gala honoring the 2003 Astronaut Hall of Fame inductees. The choice is yours, but first you must register to bid.
/ 12:39 p.m. ET
Coming attractions: Aurora Galleries International has provided a look at the auction highlights in advance of their catalog shipping next week. Featured are flown Mercury and Apollo hardware, artwork and rocket mail.
/ 7:18 p.m. ET
Honoring Hoot, Dan, and Sally: collectSPACE is a proud sponsor of the festivities at the Astronaut Hall of Fame honoring inductees Dan Brandenstein, Hoot Gibson, and Sally Ride. Tickets for the June 21 weekend, including lunch with astronauts and a commemorative poster, are now on sale for $60 through the Kennedy Space Center.
/ 11:08 p.m. ET
Lots added: Over the weekend, we added four new lots to the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation's Silent Auction including artifacts from both Apollo 11 and Apollo 17. Most notable is Lot 11a, a very rare flown component of the Apollo 13 LM "Aquarius" consigned by Fred Haise. Bidding opens on May 19, but first you need to register.
/ 12:01 p.m. ET
Space memorabilia museum to open: Missourian Earl Mullins's space collection had grown so large, that he didn't have room to store it all. Instead of selling off the excess, Mullens decided to move his entire collection to somewhere with the space needed: his own museum.
/ 10:39 a.m. ET
Aurora's catalog online: Aurora Galleries International has posted the PDF version of the complete catalog for their May 31 through June 1 space and aviation auction to be held in Calabasas, California. You can also choose to view the 1700 lots individually through their website.
/ 10:58 a.m. ET
Sy signs: Sy Liebergot, former Apollo EECOM, dropped by Countdown Creations' office yesterday to sign copies of his new book, "Apollo EECOM: Journey of Lifetime". If you placed an advanced order through buySPACE, your book(s) will ship this week. If not, with signed books in stock, now is the perfect time to order your own copy.
/ 9:57 p.m. ET
Honoring Story, too: Though he was nominated with Daniel Brandenstein, Hoot Gibson and Sally Ride, Story Musgrave's inclusion in this year's Astronaut Hall of Fame induction was all but forgotten due to a schedule conflict. Fortunately, Musgrave's availability changed and he was added again to the list of 2003 inductees.
/ 9:47 a.m. ET
Summer reading: We are pleased to announce two new autographed books available for advance order. Both Walt Cunningham and Bill Pogue will sign copies of their books for buySPACE as they are released. Cunningham's "The All-American Boys" is a revised edition of his 1977 memoirs. "Space Trivia" by Pogue indexes the surprising and obscure facts surrounding the space program.
/ 7:51 p.m. ET
Let our shuttles fly: Walter Cunningham is very familiar with the risks of manned space flight. His flight aboard Apollo 7 followed the United States' first space tragedy, a pad fire that claimed the Apollo 1 crew. Cunningham reflects on space flight history to recommend our future in "Reduce the risks, but let our shuttles fly".
/ 8:00 a.m. ET
Bidding now open: We are now accepting bids for the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation's first ever Astronaut Experiences and Space Memorabilia Silent Auction. With 31 lots to choose from, including consignments from John Glenn, Buzz Aldrin, and James Lovell, there is sure to be something that will catch every collector's fancy. Online bidding ends May 24, so bid now and bid often!
/ 8:42 p.m. ET
News from Germany: Spaceflori introduced today a $49 presentation with an attached strip of thermal blanket that was flown aboard the Space Shuttle Atlantis. Also announced was the second launch of Spaceflori's clients' personal items to space aboard a Soyuz, this time to the International Space Station with the Expedition 7 crew.
/ 7:21 p.m. ET
Models in space: Models of the oldest powered aircraft and latest Russian spacecraft were launched to the ISS last month with Expedition 7. A scale Wright Flyer, built by students in Maine, was carried to mark the coming centennial. Also on-board Soyuz TMA-2 was a miniature version of itself, a gift from Russian space memorabilia dealer Alex Panchenko to the crew. A recent photograph shows the model floating near astronaut Ed Lu.
/ 8:09 a.m. ET
Columbia license plate: Florida's popular Challenger license plate will be redesigned to also display the name of Space Shuttle Columbia, as instructed by a bill signed into law yesterday by Governor Jeb Bush. The specialty plate, which costs $25 per year above the regular state tag fees, funds the Astronauts Memorial Foundation.
/ 2:49 p.m. ET
Soviet journalist-in-space dies: Yaroslav Golovanov, a member of the Soviet Union's first "Journalist Group" of cosmonauts died yesterday, having never made a flight. Selected in 1965 to undergo training, Golovanov was to have flown on an early proposed Voshkod mission. Well respected as an historian, he was considered one of the leading Soviet journalists early in the space age.
/ 9:00 a.m. ET
T-34 hours to bid! Less than two days remain to bid in the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation's first Astronaut Experiences and Space Memorabilia Silent Auction. You must register by midnight (EDT) however, if you want to participate during the auction's final hours.
/ 12:01 a.m. ET
T-17 hours to bid! Bidder registration is now closed but for the hundreds participating in the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation's Silent Auction, the next 17 hours are crucial. Online bidding ends at 7:00pm EDT tonight, just as in-person bidding begins. Now is the time to place your final high bids!
/ 1:19 a.m. ET
Over $58,000 raised! The bids have been tallied and the results are in: the Astronaut Experiences and Space Memorabilia Silent Auction was a success!
/ 10:52 p.m. ET
collectSPACE, the next generation: A glance through our collectors directory reveals that a majority of active space collectors are as old, if not older, than the space age itself. Though certainly understandable, the statistic poses a potential problem: who stands to inherit our hobby? Collector Rob Sumowski asks that question and more importantly, proposes an answer in his editorial.
/ 5:50 p.m. ET
Nine minus one: Rosaviakosmos announced today the addition of nine new cosmonaut candidates, including appointments from the Air Force, RKK Energia and IMBP. The news was bittersweet however, as it was also today that one of their pioneers, Oleg Makarov passed away.
/ 10:40 p.m. ET
Flown and signed! Skylab 4 Pilot Bill Pogue has a very special extra for those who order his new book, "Space Trivia" through collectSPACE. Not only will it be signed, but he will use a Fisher Space Pen that he used in space that still has its original flown ink! A signed COA in the form of a bookmark will ship with each book ordered.
/ 10:23 a.m. ET
Aurora auction LIVE! Our new reporting feature allows you to access the 'hammer' prices as they are recorded, live from the auction floor! Aurora Galleries' space sale begins at 1:00pm EDT with the first 676 lots, spanning Astronomy through the Apollo program and Art.

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