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Donald Thomas
(STS-65, STS-70, STS-83, STS-94)

April 11, 2025
Titusville, Florida

6:00pm -

Donald Thomas

(STS-65, STS-70, STS-83, STS-94)

April 12 - 13, 2025
Titusville, Florida


Eileen Collins

(STS-63, STS-84, STS-93, STS-114)

John Grunsfeld

(STS-67, STS-81, STS-103, STS-109, STS-125)

Donald Thomas

(STS-65, STS-70, STS-83, STS-94)

Joseph Tanner

(STS-66, STS-82, STS-97, STS-115)

June 27 - 28, 2025
Mars, Pennsylvania


Donald Thomas

(STS-65, STS-70, STS-83, STS-94)

August 2, 2025
Houston, Texas

8:30am -

Donald Thomas

(STS-65, STS-70, STS-83, STS-94)

Breakfast with an Astronaut
The Food Lab, Space Center Houston

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LEFT: Don Thomas with Mark, Logan, Kirstie, Woody, Dave, Lindsey, Bryar and Nick Deakin, June 9, 2024, Leicester, UK (CREDIT: Scott Douglas); RIGHT: Don Thomas with Logan Deakin, June 7, 2024, Pontefract, UK (CREDIT: Nick Deakin);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Brad MacKinnon, July 21, 2019, Wapakoneta, OH (CREDIT: Brad MacKinnon); RIGHT: Don Thomas, June 7, 2019, Huntsville, AL (CREDIT: Charles A. Atkeison);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Dwight Daugherty, February 10, 2019, Irving, TX (CREDIT: Dwight Daugherty); RIGHT: Don Thomas with Logan Deakin, March 22, 2017, Walsall, UK (CREDIT: Nick Deakin);
LEFT: Al Crews and Don Thomas with John Oster, May 24, 2016, Melbourne, FL (CREDIT: John Oster); RIGHT: Don Thomas with James Coleman, February 27, 2016, Leicester, UK (CREDIT: James Coleman);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Logan Deakin, June 8, 2015, Walsall, UK (CREDIT: Nick Deakin); RIGHT: Don Thomas, February 2, 2015, Middle River, MD (Credit: Curtis Roelle);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Charles Atkeison, December 14, 2014, KSC, FL (Credit: Charles Atkeison); RIGHT: Don Thomas with Simone Thomas, October 7, 2014, Middle River, MD (Credit: Curtis Roelle);
LEFT: Don Thomas, March 28, 2014, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Don Thomas, February 21, 2014, Toledo, OH (Credit: Brad MacKinnon);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Michael Blair, February 20, 2014, Cleveland, OH (Credit: Michael Blair); RIGHT: Don Thomas, December 7, 2013, Towson, MD (Credit: Mark Usciak);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Charles Atkeison, June 4, 2013, Chantilly, VA (Credit: Charles Atkeison); RIGHT: Susan Kilrain and Don Thomas with Nick Thomas, December 14, 2011, KSC, FL (Credit: Nick Thomas);
Don Thomas, Serena Aunon, Fred Leslie, Owen Garriott, Kathy Thornton, Lee Morin, Jim Halsell, Jan Davis, Hoot Gibson, Rhea Seddon and Larry DeLucas, August 26, 2011, Huntsville, AL (Credit: Space Camp);
LEFT: Don Thomas, April 26, 2010, Princeton, NJ (Credit: Hart Sastrowardoyo); RIGHT: Don Thomas with Curtis Roelle, February 22, 2009, Westminster, MD (Credit: Curtis Roelle);
LEFT: Don Thomas with Mark Kirkland, August 30, 2008, Cleveland, OH (Credit: Mark Pattison); RIGHT: Don Thomas with Curt Roelle and members of the Westminster Astronomical Society, February 13, 2008, Westminster, MD (Credit: Curtis Roelle);
LEFT: Don Thomas and Rich Clifford, November 12, 2005, Houston, TX (Credit: collectSPACE); RIGHT: Don Thomas, May 29, 2004, Oklahoma City, OK (Credit: Tom Celentano);