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Duane "Digger" Carey

March 13, 2025
Pueblo, Colorado

5:30pm -

Duane "Digger" Carey


Space Foundation Discovery Center "Space in the Community"
Student Center, Pueblo Community College

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LEFT: Ron Sega, Eytan Stibble, Frank Culbertson, Livingston Holder, Kathryn Thornton, Ron Garan, Duane Carey and Jeff Ashby, April 16, 2023, Colorado Springs, CO (CREDIT: Cheryl Carey); RIGHT: Duane Carey with Dwight Daugherty, February 7, 2018, Magnolia, AR (CREDIT: Dwight Daugherty);
LEFT: Duane Carey with Jason Aho, February 5, 2018, St. Paul, MN (CREDIT: Jason Aho); RIGHT: Duane Carey with Charles Davis, April 15, 2014, Colorado Springs, CO (Credit: Charles Davis);
Duane Carey, August 22, 2005, Houston, TX (Credit: NASA);
Mike Massimino, Jim Newman, Rick Linnehan, Nancy Currie, John Grunsfeld, Duane Carey and Scott Altman, April 15, 2002, Greenbelt, MD (Credit: collectSPACE);