NASA Astronaut Portraits ID Guide
Compiled by Ed Hengeveld and Philip Corneille
The following table, organized alphabetically by astronaut surnames, provides a listing for all known NASA portraits of astronauts selected between in 1959 and 2004.
In a few cases, the NASA ID numbers aren't known. If you have information that can add to this guide, please contact Ed Hengeveld or Philip Corneille.
 | For an illustrated version of this guide with thumbnails for all Mercury, Gemini and Apollo portraits, see Chris Spain's site, Astronaut Portrait Guide. |
Astronaut |
Year |
Portrait ID |
Description |
Acaba, Joseph |
2004 |
JSC2004-21455 |
blue flightsuit |
Acton, Loren |
1985 |
S85-31406 |
light blue flightsuit |
Adamson, James |
1984 |
S84-36727 |
blue flightsuit |
Adamson, James |
1984 |
S84-40229 |
light blue flightsuit |
Akbar, Taufik |
1986 |
S86-31199 |
light blue flightsuit |
Akers, Thomas |
1987 |
S87-45895 |
blue flightsuit |
Akers, Thomas |
1992 |
S92-42896 |
STS EVA suit |
Al-Bassam, Abdulmohsen |
1985 |
S85-33781 |
light blue flightsuit |
Al-Saud, Salman |
1985 |
S85-33318 |
light blue flightsuit |
Aldridge, Edward |
1986 |
S86-39745 |
light blue flightsuit |
Aldrin, Edwin |
1963 |
S63-20056 |
business suit |
Aldrin, Edwin |
1964 |
S64-31484 |
business suit |
Aldrin, Edwin |
1969 |
S69-31743 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Aldrin, Edwin |
1969 |
S69-63724 |
Apollo spacesuit (facing sideways) |
Allen, Andrew |
1987 |
S87-45896 |
blue flight suit |
Allen, Andrew |
1994 |
S94-26084 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Allen, Joseph |
1971 |
S71-51278 |
business suit (holding STS model) |
Allen, Joseph |
1971 |
S71-51279 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Allen, Joseph |
1979 |
S79-36411 |
STS brown emergency escape suit |
Altman, Scott |
1995 |
S95-09040 |
blue flightsuit |
Altman, Scott |
1999 |
S99-02362 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Anders, William |
1963 |
S63-20057 |
business suit |
Anders, William |
1964 |
S64-31555 |
business suit |
Anderson, Michael |
1995 |
S95-10761 |
blue flightsuit |
Anderson, Clayton |
1998 |
S98-16196 |
blue flightsuit |
Antonelli, Dominic |
2000 |
JSC2000-07308 |
blue flightsuit |
Apt, Jerome |
1985 |
S85-41888 |
light blue flightsuit |
Apt, Jerome |
1990 |
S90-42988 |
STS EVA suit |
Apt, Jerome |
1995 |
S95-10987 |
STS EVA suit |
Archambault, Lee |
1998 |
S98-16197 |
blue flightsuit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1958 |
E-3342 |
business suit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1962 |
62-X15-7 |
business suit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1962 |
S62-7965 |
business suit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1964 |
S64-17089 |
early Gemini spacesuit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1964 |
S64-31452 |
business suit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1964 |
S64-31453 |
business suit (holding Apollo model) |
Armstrong, Neil |
1969 |
S69-31741 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Armstrong, Neil |
1969 |
JSC2002-E01692 |
Apollo spacesuit (smiling) |
Arnold, Richard |
2004 |
JSC2004-21457 |
light blue flightsuit |
Ashby, Jeffrey |
1995 |
S95-07010 |
blue flightsuit |
Ashby, Jeffrey |
1998 |
S98-19775 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Bagian, James |
1981 |
S81-25299 |
light blue flightsuit |
Bagian, James |
1989 |
S89-25243 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Baker, Ellen |
1984 |
S84-40235 |
light blue flightsuit |
Baker, Ellen |
1992 |
S92-45740 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Baker, Michael |
1985 |
S85-41895 |
light blue flightsuit |
Baker, Michael |
1997 |
S97-06260 |
blue flightsuit |
Barratt, Michael |
2000 |
JSC2000-07305 |
blue flightsuit |
Barry, Dan |
1992 |
S92-45153 |
blue flightsuit |
Barry, Dan |
1993 |
S93- |
blue flightsuit |
Barry, Dan |
2001 |
JSC2001-00955 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Bartoe, John-David |
1985 |
S85-31404 |
light blue flightsuit |
Bassett, Charles |
1963 |
S63-20059 |
business suit |
Bassett, Charles |
1964 |
S64-31443 |
business suit |
Baudry, Patrick |
1984 |
S84-43894 |
light blue flightsuit |
Bean, Alan |
1963 |
S63-20060 |
business suit |
Bean, Alan |
1964 |
S64-31849 |
business suit |
Bean, Alan |
1964 |
S64-31850 |
business suit |
Bean, Alan |
1969 |
S69-38859 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Bean, Alan |
1971 |
S71-51300 |
business suit |
Behnken, Robert |
2000 |
JSC2000-07603 |
blue flightsuit |
Belt, Michael |
1991 |
S91-28756 |
blue flightsuit |
Blaha, John |
1981 |
S80-42910 |
light blue flightsuit |
Blaha, John |
1988 |
S88-45293 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Blaha, John |
1995 |
S95-21468 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Bloomfield, Michael |
1995 |
S95-08844 |
blue flightsuit |
Bloomfield, Michael |
1995 |
S95-10530 |
blue flightsuit |
Bluford, Guion |
1978 |
S78-35290 |
blue flightsuit |
Bluford, Guion |
1992 |
S92-48766 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Bobko, Karol |
1970 |
S70- |
business suit (with lunar globe) |
Bobko, Karol |
1970 |
S71-51304 |
business suit (holding magazine) |
Bobko, Karol |
1971 |
S71-51305 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Bobko, Karol |
1979 |
S79-36438 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Boe, Eric |
2000 |
JSC2000-07304 |
blue flightsuit |
Bolden, Charles |
1980 |
S80-42913 |
light blue flightsuit |
Bolden, Charles |
1986 |
S86-37233 |
light blue flightsuit |
Bolden, Charles |
1991 |
S91-49083 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Bondar, Roberta |
1991 |
S91-51633 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Booen, Michael |
1985 |
S85-39867 |
light blue flightsuit |
Borman, Frank |
1962 |
S62-5227 |
business suit |
Borman, Frank |
1964 |
S64-31455 |
business suit |
Borman, Frank |
1964 |
S64-31456 |
business suit |
Borman, Frank |
1964 |
S64-31457 |
business suit |
Borman, Frank |
1988 |
S88-55758 |
business suit |
Bowen, Stephen |
2000 |
JSC2000-07483 |
blue flightsuit |
Bowersox, Kenneth |
1987 |
S87-45887 |
blue flightsuit |
Boyle, Anthony |
1984 |
S84-34318 |
military uniform |
Brady, Charles |
1992 |
S92-48439 |
blue flightsuit |
Brady, Charles |
1996 |
S96-08585 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Brand, Vance |
1966 |
S66-27408 |
business suit |
Brand, Vance |
1966 |
S66- |
business suit |
Brand, Vance |
1971 |
S71-51263 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Brand, Vance |
1971 |
S71-51264 |
business suit (with lunar globe) |
Brand, Vance |
1979 |
S79-36528 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Brand, Vance |
1985 |
S85-26148 |
light blue flightsuit |
Brand, Vance |
1986 |
S86-38100 |
blue flightsuit |
Brandenstein, Daniel |
1978 |
S78-35291 |
blue flightsuit |
Brandenstein, Daniel |
1984 |
S84-40228 |
blue flightsuit |
Bridges, Roy |
1980 |
S80-42916 |
light blue flightsuit |
Brown, Curt |
1987 |
S87-45891 |
blue flightsuit |
Brown, Curt |
1997 |
S97-07601 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Brown, David |
1996 |
S96-14484 |
blue flightsuit |
Brown, David |
2002 |
JSC2002-00544 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Brown, Mark |
1984 |
S84-39440 |
light blue flightsuit |
Brummer, Renate |
1993 |
S93-25962 |
blue flightsuit |
Buchli, James |
1978 |
S78-35296 |
blue flight suit |
Buchli, James |
1987 |
S87-29019 |
light blue flightsuit |
Buckey, Jay |
1992 |
S92-47530 |
blue flightsuit |
Buckey, Jay |
1998 |
S98-01664 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Budarin, Nicholai |
2002 |
JSC2002-44140 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Bull, John |
1966 |
S66-33757 |
business suit (holding LM model) |
Burbank, Daniel |
1996 |
S96-16629 |
blue flightsuit |
Burbank, Daniel |
2003 |
JSC2003-12208 |
STS EVA suit |
Bursch, Dan |
1990 |
S90-45391 |
blue flightsuit |
Bursch, Dan |
2000 |
JSC2000-02899 |
STS EVA suit |
Butterworth, William |
1985 |
S85-25623 |
light blue flightsuit |
Cabana, Robert |
1985 |
S85-41885 |
light blue flightsuit |
Cabana, Robert |
1993 |
S93-26392 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cagle, Yvonne |
1996 |
S96-16639 |
blue flightsuit |
Caldeiro, Fernando |
1996 |
S97-01585 |
blue flightsuit |
Caldeiro, Fernando |
2000 |
JSC2000-01759 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Caldwell, Tracy |
1998 |
S98-18638 |
blue flightsuit |
Camarda, Charlie |
1996 |
S96-16638 |
blue flightsuit |
Camarda, Charlie |
2003 |
JSC2004-00591 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cameron, Kenneth |
1984 |
S84-40231 |
light blue flightsuit |
Carey, Duane |
1996 |
S96-14777 |
blue flightsuit |
Carpenter, Scott |
1960 |
G60-2737 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Carpenter, Scott |
1963 |
S63-1066 |
burinsess suit (world map behind him) |
Carpenter, Scott |
1962 |
62-MA6-78 |
in spacesuit with tracking antenna |
Carpenter, Scott |
1962 |
62-MA7-55 |
in spacesuit in front of NASA emblem |
Carpenter, Scott |
1962 |
S62-5538 |
business suit (holding Boyscout emblem) |
Carpenter, Scott |
1964 |
S64-34357 |
business suit |
Carr, Gerald |
1966 |
S66-33758 |
business suit |
Carr, Gerald |
1971 |
S71-52261 |
military gala uniform |
Carr, Gerald |
1971 |
S71-51282 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Carr, Gerald |
1971 |
S71-51283 |
business suit (holding Skylab model) |
Carter, Manley |
1984 |
S84-40463 |
light blue flightsuit |
Casper, John |
1984 |
S84-40243 |
light blue flightsuit |
Casper, John |
1994 |
S94-25739 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cassidy, Christopher |
2004 |
JSC2004-21450 |
blue flightsuit |
Cenker, Robert |
1985 |
S85-45499 |
light blue flightsuit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1963 |
S63-20052 |
business suit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1964 |
S64-31844 |
business suit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1964 |
S64-31845 |
business suit (with Gemini-Titan model) |
Cernan, Eugene |
1969 |
S69-32614 |
Apollo-10 spacesuit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1969 |
S69-31617 |
Apollo-10 spacesuit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1971 |
S71-51308 |
Apollo-17 spacesuit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1971 |
S71-51309 |
business suit |
Cernan, Eugene |
1974 |
S74-22061 |
business suit |
Chaffee, Roger |
1963 |
S63-20049 |
business suit |
Chaffee, Roger |
1964 |
S64-31447 |
business suit (with Apollo CSM model) |
Chaffee, Roger |
1964 |
S64-31448 |
business suit |
Chamitoff, Gregory |
1998 |
S98-19475 |
blue flightsuit |
Chang-Diaz, Franklin |
1980 |
S80-42911 |
light blue flightsuit |
Chang-Diaz, Franklin |
1988 |
S88-43990 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Chang-Diaz, Franklin |
1997 |
S97-06573 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Chapman, Philip |
1967 |
S67-47933 |
business suit (with Apollo CSM model) |
Chapman, Philip |
1971 |
S71-51269 |
business suit (holding Shuttle model) |
Chapman, Philip |
1971 |
S71-51270 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Chappell, Charles |
1991 |
S91-52629 |
blue flightsuit |
Chawla, Kalpana |
1995 |
S95-07647 |
blue flightsuit |
Chawla, Kalpana |
2002 |
JSC2002-25323 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cheli, Maurizio |
1992 |
S92-46438 |
blue flightsuit |
Cheli, Maurizio |
1996 |
ESA 96.01.010-001 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Chiao, Leroy |
1990 |
S90-45388 |
blue flightsuit |
Chiao, Leroy |
1998 |
S98-01237 |
STS EVA suit |
Chilton, Kevin |
1987 |
S87-45897 |
blue flightsuit |
Chilton, Kevin |
1994 |
S94-28019 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Chretien, Jean-Loup |
1984 |
S84-43893 |
light blue flightsuit |
Chretien, Jean-Loup |
1995 |
S95-08571 |
blue flightsuit |
Clark, Laurel |
1996 |
S96-16627 |
blue flightsuit |
Cleave, Mary |
1981 |
S81-25293 |
light blue flightsuit |
Cleave, Mary |
1985 |
S85-29954 |
light blue flightsuit |
Clervoy, Jean-Francois |
1992 |
S92-44931 |
blue flightsuit |
Clervoy, Jean-Francois |
1997 |
S97-02547 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Clervoy, Jean-Francois |
1999 |
S99-13237 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Clifford, Rich |
1990 |
S90-46441 |
blue flightsuit |
Clifford, Rich |
1996 |
S96-06367 |
STS EVA suit |
Coats, Michael |
1978 |
S78-35297 |
blue flightsuit |
Coats, Michael |
1984 |
S84-38499 |
light blue flightsuit |
Coats, Michael |
1989 |
S89-25242 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cockrell, Kenneth |
1990 |
S90-45137 |
blue flightsuit |
Cockrell, Kenneth |
1997 |
S97-06616 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Coleman, Catherine |
1992 |
S92-47167 |
blue flightsuit |
Coleman, Catherine |
1999 |
S99-03805 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Collins, Eileen |
1990 |
S90-45442 |
blue flightsuit |
Collins, Eileen |
1999 |
S99-00858 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Collins, Michael |
1963 |
S63-19843 |
business suit (B&W) |
Collins, Michael |
1963 |
S63-20058 |
business suit (color) |
Collins, Michael |
1964 |
S64-29926 |
business suit |
Collins, Michael |
1969 |
S69-31742 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Conrad, Charles |
1962 |
S62-7802 |
business suit (B&W) |
Conrad, Charles |
1962 |
S62-7964 |
business suit (color) |
Conrad, Charles |
1964 |
S64-31465 |
business suit |
Conrad, Charles |
1969 |
S69-38866 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Conrad, Charles |
1971 |
S71-51259 |
business suit (holding book) |
Cooper, Gordon |
1960 |
G60-2738 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Cooper, Gordon |
1962 |
S62-5530 |
Mercury spacesuit |
Cooper, Gordon |
1963 |
S63-01756 |
Mercury spacesuit (holding helmet) |
Cooper, Gordon |
1964 |
S64-31847 |
business suit |
Covey, Richard |
1978 |
S78-35298 |
blue flightsuit |
Covey, Richard |
1985 |
S85-31767 |
light blue flightsuit |
Covey, Richard |
1990 |
S90-45098 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Creamer, Timothy |
1998 |
S98-17927 |
blue flightsuit |
Creighton, John |
1978 |
JSCL-168 |
blue flightsuit |
Creighton, John |
1985 |
S85-25802 |
light blue flightsuit |
Crippen, Robert |
1970 |
S70-28023 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Crippen, Robert |
1971 |
S71-51302 |
business suit |
Crippen, Robert |
1971 |
S71-51303 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Crippen, Robert |
1979 |
S79-31777 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Crippen, Robert |
1992 |
KSC-92PC-190 |
business suit |
Crombie, Robert |
1990 |
S90-48211 |
blue flightsuit |
Crouch, Roger |
1991 |
S91-51293 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Crouch, Roger |
1996 |
S96-16127 |
blue flightsuit |
Crouch, Roger |
1997 |
S97-00989 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Culbertson, Frank |
1984 |
S84-40232 |
light blue flightsuit |
Culbertson, Frank |
1990 |
S90-38573 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Culbertson, Frank |
2001 |
JSC2001-01342 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Cunningham, Walter |
1963 |
S63-20061 |
business suit |
Cunningham, Walter |
1964 |
S64-31816 |
business suit |
Curbeam, Robert |
1995 |
S95-09671 |
blue flightsuit |
Curbeam, Robert |
2001 |
JSC2001-00079 |
STS EVA suit |
Currie, Nancy |
1990 |
S90-45843 |
blue flightsuit |
Currie, Nancy |
blue flightsuit |
Currie, Nancy |
1995 |
S95-06514 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Davis, Jan |
1987 |
S87-45883 |
blue flightsuit |
DeLucas, Lawrence |
1991 |
S91-41413 |
blue flightsuit |
Dezhurov, Vladimir |
2001 |
JSC2001-00928 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Doi, Takao |
1991 |
S91-25201 |
blue flightsuit |
Doi, Takao |
1995 |
S95-08959 |
blue flightsuit |
Drew, Alvin |
2000 |
JSC2000-07601 |
blue flightsuit |
Duffy, Brian |
1985 |
S85-41886 |
light blue flightsuit |
Duffy, Brian |
2000 |
JSC2000-02585 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Duke, Charles |
1966 |
S66-34847 |
business suit |
Duke, Charles |
1971 |
71-H-1695 |
business suit |
Duke, Charles |
1971 |
S71-51289 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Dunbar, Bonnie |
1981 |
S81-25297 |
light blue flightsuit |
Dunbar, Bonnie |
1987 |
S87-30050 |
light blue flightsuit |
Dunbar, Bonnie |
1998 |
S98-00617 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Dunlap, Alexander |
1998 |
S98-01675 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Durrance, Samuel |
1984 |
S84-43513 |
business suit |
Durrance, Samuel |
1986 |
S86-25839 |
light blue flightsuit |
Durrance, Samuel |
1990 |
S90-34032 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Duque, Pedro |
1995 |
S95-14563 |
blue flightsuit |
Duque, Pedro |
1996 |
S96-08081 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Duque, Pedro |
1996 |
S96-16131 |
blue flightsuit |
Dutton, James |
2004 |
JSC2004-21449 |
blue flightsuit |
Edwards, Joe |
1995 |
S95-07749 |
blue flightsuit |
Eisele, Donn |
1963 |
S63-19846 |
business suit (B&W) |
Eisele, Donn |
1963 |
S63-20053 |
business suit (color) |
Eisele, Donn |
1964 |
S64-31469 |
business suit |
England, Anthony |
1971 |
S71-51274 |
Apollo spacesuit |
England, Anthony |
1971 |
S71-51275 |
business suit |
England, Anthony |
1980 |
S80-29802 |
business suit |
Englang, Anthony |
1982 |
S82-38430 |
light blue flightsuit |
Engle, Joe |
1966 |
S66-39058 |
business suit |
Engle, Joe |
1971 |
S71-52273 |
business suit (holding Shuttle model) |
Engle, Joe |
1971 |
S71-52272 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Engle, Joe |
1976 |
S76-28363 |
blue flightsuit (ALT) |
Engle, Joe |
1979 |
S79-36838 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Engle, Joe |
1981 |
S81-34642 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit (blue bg.) |
Engle, Joe |
1986 |
S86-26417 |
light blue flightsuit |
Engle, Joe |
1986 |
S86-26418 |
leather jacket (holding airplane model) |
Evans, Ronald |
1966 |
S66-34630 |
business suit |
Evans, Ronald |
1971 |
S71-51273 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Eyharts, Leopold |
2000 |
JSC2000-01694 |
blue flightsuit |
Fabian, John |
1978 |
S78-35304 |
blue flightsuit |
Farrimond, Richard |
1985 |
S85-27248 |
light blue flightsuit |
Favier, Jean-Jacques |
1993 |
S93-045081 |
blue flightsuit |
Ferguson, Christopher |
1998 |
S98-17924 |
blue flightsuit |
Fettman, Martin |
1992 |
S92-48423 |
blue flightsuit |
Feustel, Andrew |
2001 |
JSC2001-00425 |
blue flightsuit |
Fincke, Michael |
1996 |
S96-14483 |
blue flightsuit |
Fisher, Anna |
1978 |
S78-35303 |
blue flightsuit |
Fisher, Anna |
1985 |
S85-34357 |
light blue flightsuit (red background) |
Fisher, Anna |
1985 |
S85-34358 |
light blue flightsuit (blue background) |
Fisher, Anna |
2002 |
JSC2002-43293 |
blue flightsuit |
Fisher, William |
1981 |
S81-25292 |
light blue flightsuit |
Foale, Michael |
1987 |
S87-45890 |
blue flightsuit |
Foale, Michael |
1997 |
S97-06565 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Ford, Kevin |
2000 |
JSC2000-07484 |
blue flightsuit |
Foreman, Michael |
1998 |
S98-17087 |
blue flightsuit |
Forrester, Patrick |
1996 |
S96-13831 |
blue flightsuit |
Forrester, Patrick |
2001 |
JSC2001-00956 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Fossum, Michael |
1998 |
S99-01169 |
blue flightsuit |
Freeman, Theodore |
1963 |
S63-20051 |
business suit |
Freeman, Theodore |
1964 |
S64-31476 |
business suit |
Frick, Steven |
1996 |
S96-16628 |
blue flightsuit |
Frimout, Dirk |
1991 |
S91- |
Blue flightsuit |
Frimout, Dirk |
1991 |
S91-51295 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Fuglesang, Christer |
1996 |
S96-19098 |
blue flightsuit |
Fuglesang, Christer |
2003 |
JSC2003-31747 |
STS EVA suit |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1970 |
S70- |
business suit (with lunar globe) |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1971 |
S71-51276 |
business suit |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1971 |
S71-51277 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1971 |
S71-57598 |
business suit (different) |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1976 |
S76-28476 |
blue flightsuit (ALT) |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1979 |
S79-36380 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1987 |
EC87-0051-002 |
with airplane at Edwards |
Fullerton, Gordon |
1989 |
EC89-0136-001 |
with airplane at Edwards |
Furrer, Reinhard |
1984 |
S84-47033 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gaffney, Francis |
1984 |
S84-41296 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gaffney, Francis |
1990 |
S90-41128 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Garan, Ronald |
2000 |
JSC2000-07388 |
blue flightsuit |
Gardner, Dale |
1978 |
S78-25706 |
business suit |
Gardner, Dale |
1978 |
S78-34884 |
blue flightsuit |
Gardner, Guy |
1981 |
S81-25298 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gardner, Guy |
1990 |
S90-32808 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Garn, Jake |
1985 |
S85-25500 |
light blue flightsuit |
Garneau, Marc |
1984 |
S84-35964 |
light brown CSA-flightsuit |
Garneau, Marc |
1984 |
S84-40079 |
light blue flightsuit |
Garneau, Marc |
1992 |
S92-44959 |
blue flightsuit |
Garneau, Marc |
2000 |
JSC2000-05266 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Garriott, Owen |
1965 |
S65-54933 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Garriott, Owen |
1971 |
S71-51298 |
business suit |
Gattiott, Owen |
1971 |
S71-51299 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Garriott, Owen |
1981 |
S81-29032 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gemar, Charles |
1985 |
S85-41894 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gemar, Charles |
1991 |
S91-37552 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Gernhardt, Michael |
1992 |
S92-48167 |
blue flightsuit |
Gernhardt, Michael |
1995 |
S95-14485 |
STS EVA suit |
Gibson, Edward |
1965 |
S65-46588 |
business suit |
Gibson, Edward |
1965 |
S65-46589 |
business suit |
Gibson, Edward |
1971 |
S71-52274 |
business suit |
Gibson, Edward |
1971 |
S71-52275 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Gibson, Robert |
1978 |
S78-34886 |
blue flightsuit |
Gibson, Robert |
1984 |
S84-42271 |
light blue flightsuit |
Givens, Edward |
1966 |
S66-34846 |
business suit |
Glenn, John |
1960 |
G-60-2739 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Glenn, John |
1961 |
S87-41328 |
Mercury spacesuit |
Glenn, John |
1962 |
62-MA6-31 |
Mercury spacesuit (with NASA emblem) |
Glenn, John |
1962 |
62-MA6-77 |
Mercury spacesuit (with tracking antenna) |
Glenn, John |
1962 |
S64-14869 |
Mercury spacesuit (with tracking antenna) |
Glenn, John |
1962 |
S62-5540 |
business suit |
Glenn, John |
1964 |
S64-36156 |
business suit |
Glenn, John |
1998 |
S98-02044 |
blue polo |
Glenn, John |
1998 |
S98-06862 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Godwin, Linda |
1985 |
S85-41884 |
light blue flightsuit |
Godwin, Linda |
1990 |
S90-26968 |
blue flightsuit |
Godwin, Linda |
2001 |
JSC2001-02624 |
STS EVA suit |
Good, Michael |
2000 |
JSC2000-07306 |
blue flightsuit |
Gordon, Richard |
1963 |
S63-20050 |
business suit |
Gordon, Richard |
1964 |
S64-31459 |
business suit (with Gemini-Titan model) |
Gordon, Richard |
1964 |
S64-31460 |
business suit (with Gemini-Titan model) |
Gordon, Richard |
1969 |
S69-38862 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Gordon, Richard |
1971 |
S71-56480 |
business suit |
Gorie, Dominic |
1995 |
S95-11198 |
blue flightsuit |
Gorie, Dominic |
2001 |
JSC2001-01915 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Grabe, Ronald |
1980 |
S80-42908 |
light blue flightsuit |
Grabe, Ronald |
1989 |
S89-29594 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Graveline, Duane |
1965 |
S65-28553 |
business suit |
Graveline, Duane |
1965 |
S65-40596 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Gregory, Frederick |
1978 |
S78-34885 |
blue flightsuit |
Gregory, Frederick |
1985 |
S85-41544 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gregory, Frederick |
1991 |
S91-38499 |
blue flightsuit |
Gregory, William |
1990 |
S90-45778 |
blue flightsuit |
Gregory, William |
1991 |
S91-45515 |
blue flightsuit |
Gregory, William |
1997 |
S97-11067 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Griggs, David |
1978 |
S78-35306 |
blue flightsuit |
Grissom, Virgil |
1960 |
G60-2740 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Grissom, Virgil |
1961 |
S88-55873 |
Mercury spacesuit |
Grissom, Virgil |
1962 |
S62-5539 |
business suit |
Grissom, Virgil |
1964 |
S64-32110 |
business suit (with Gemini-Titan model) |
Grissom, Virgil |
1964 |
S64-32343 |
business suit |
Grissom, Virgil |
1964 |
S64-36393 |
military uniform |
Grunsfeld, John |
1992 |
S92-45921 |
blue flightsuit |
Grunsfeld, John |
2000 |
JSC2000-06750 |
STS EVA suit |
Guidoni, Umberto |
1991 |
S91-45645 |
blue flightsuit |
Guidoni, Umberto |
1996 |
S96-00284 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Guidoni, Umberto |
1996 |
S96-15448 |
blue flightsuit |
Guidoni, Umberto |
2001 |
JSC2001-00744 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Guidoni, Umberto |
2001 |
JSC2001-00745 |
STS orange launch & entry suit (alternate) |
Gutierrez, Sidney |
1984 |
S84-40240 |
light blue flightsuit |
Gutierrez, Sidney |
1990 |
S90-52749 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Gutierrez, Sidney |
1991 |
S91-35916 |
blue flightsuit |
Hadfield, Chris |
1992 |
S92-44954 |
blue flightsuit |
Hadfield, Chris |
1997 |
S97-00690 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Hadfield, Chris |
2001 |
JSC2001-00431 |
STS EVA suit |
Haise, Fred |
1966 |
S66-33992 |
business suit |
Haise, Fred |
1969 |
S69-62235 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Haise, Fred |
1969 |
S69-62238 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Haise, Fred |
1971 |
S71-51260 |
business suit (with Shuttle model) |
Haise, Fred |
1976 |
S76-28475 |
blue flightsuit (ALT) |
Halsell, James |
1990 |
S90-46750 |
blue flightsuit |
Halsell, James |
1991 |
S91-29578 |
blue flightsuit |
Halsell, James |
1996 |
S96-08719 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Ham, Kenneth |
1998 |
S98-18640 |
blue flightsuit |
Hammond, Blaine |
1984 |
S84-40241 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hammond, Blaine |
1997 |
S97-11264 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Harbaugh, Gregory |
1987 |
S87-45888 |
blue flightsuit |
Harbaugh, Gregory |
1993 |
S93-32841 |
STS EVA suit |
Harris, Bernard |
1990 |
S90-45201 |
blue flightsuit |
Harris, Bernard |
1991 |
S91-46689 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Harris, Bernard |
1995 |
S95-17568 |
STS EVA suit |
Hart, Terry |
1978 |
S78-35301 |
blue flightsuit |
Hartsfield, Henry |
1971 |
S71-51271 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Hartsfield, Henry |
1971 |
S71-51272 |
business suit |
Hartsfield, Henry |
1979 |
S79-36412 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Hartsfield, Henry |
1984 |
S84-46589 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hauck, Frederick |
1978 |
S78-35289 |
blue flightsuit |
Hauck, Frederick |
1985 |
S85-36058 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hawley, Steven |
1978 |
S78-35292 |
blue flightsuit |
Hawley, Steven |
1984 |
S84-38498 |
blue polo |
Hawley, Steven |
1996 |
S96-14625 |
blue flightsuit |
Helms, Susan |
1990 |
S90-45390 |
blue flightsuit |
Helms, Susan |
1994 |
S94-38174 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Henize, Karl |
1967 |
S67-47941 |
business suit (holding camera) |
Henize, Karl |
1971 |
S71-52278 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Henize, Karl |
1971 |
S71-52279 |
business suit |
Henize, Karl |
1981 |
S81-29031 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hennen, Thomas |
1991 |
S91-26837 |
blue flightsuit |
Hennen, Thomas |
1991 |
S91-45399 |
blue flightsuit (with mission patch) |
Henricks, Tom |
1985 |
S85-41891 |
light blue flightsuit |
Henricks, Tom |
1991 |
S91-50000 |
blue flightsuit |
Henricks, Tom |
1996 |
S96-09454 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Hernandez, Jose |
2004 |
JSC2004-21453 |
blue flightsuit |
Herrington, John |
1996 |
S96-14768 |
blue flightsuit |
Herrington, John |
2002 |
JSC2002-21740 |
STS EVA suit |
Hieb, Richard |
1985 |
S85-41893 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hieb, Richard |
1992 |
S92-41511 |
STS EVA suit |
Higginbotham, Joan |
1996 |
S96-19805 |
blue flightsuit |
Higginbotham, Joan |
2003 |
JSC2003-00591 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Hilliard, Patricia |
1998 |
S98-15782 |
blue flightsuit |
Hilmers, David |
1980 |
S80-42909 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hilmers, David |
1990 |
S90-38883 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Hire, Kathryn |
1995 |
S95-10063 |
blue flightsuit |
Hobaugh, Charles |
1996 |
S96-19502 |
blue flightsuit |
Hoffman, Jeffrey |
1978 |
S78-35294 |
blue flightsuit |
Hoffman, Jeffrey |
1986 |
S86-42105 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hoffman, Jeffrey |
1990 |
JSCIL-341a |
STS EVA suit |
Hoffman, Jeffrey |
1990 |
S90-34031 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Holmes, Christopher |
1984 |
S84-34319 |
business suit |
Holmes, Christopher |
1985 |
S85-27249 |
light blue flightsuit |
Holmquest, Donald |
1967 |
S67-47931 |
business suit |
Holmquest, Donald |
1971 |
S71-52282 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Holmquest, Donald |
1971 |
S71-52283 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Holt, Glynn |
1994 |
S94-43193 |
blue flightsuit |
Horowitz, Scott |
1992 |
S92-44932 |
blue flightsuit |
Horowitz, Scott |
2001 |
JSC2001-00957 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Hughes-Fulford, Millie |
1984 |
S84-44094 |
light blue flightsuit |
Hurley, Douglas |
2000 |
JSC2000-07599 |
blue flightsuit |
Husband, Rick |
1995 |
S95-12243 |
blue flightsuit |
Husband, Rick |
1999 |
S99-06560 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Irwin, James |
1966 |
S66-33759 |
business suit (with Apollo CSM model) |
Irwin, James |
1966 |
S66-33760 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Irwin, James |
1971 |
S71-51301 |
business suit |
Irwin, James |
1971 |
S71-56478 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Ivins, Marsha |
1984 |
S84-37915 |
light blue flightsuit |
Ivins, Marsha |
1996 |
S96-13321 |
blue flightsuit |
Jarvis, Gregory |
1985 |
S85-25624 |
light blue flightsuit |
Jemison, Mae |
1987 |
S87-45893 |
blue flightsuit |
Jemison, Mae |
1992 |
S92-40463 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Jernigan, Tamara |
1985 |
S85-41889 |
light blue flightsuit |
Jernigan, Tamara |
1990 |
S90-34899 |
blue flightsuit |
Jernigan, Tamara |
2001 |
JSC2001-02059 |
STS EVA suit |
Jett, Brent |
1992 |
S92-47144 |
blue flightsuit |
Jett, Brent |
2003 |
JSC2003-01649 |
STS launch & entry suit |
Johnson, Gregory C. |
1998 |
S98-16776 |
blue flightsuit |
Johnson, Gregory H. |
1998 |
S98-15652 |
blue flightsuit |
Johnson, Mary-Helen |
1984 |
S84-36143 |
light blue flightsuit |
Jones, Tom |
1990 |
S90-45387 |
blue flightsuit |
Jones, Tom |
1991 |
S91-30620 |
blue flightsuit |
Jones, Tom |
1997 |
S97-06159 |
STS EVA suit |
Kadenyuk, Leonid |
1997 |
S97-07450 |
blue flightsuit |
Kadenyuk, Leonid |
1997 |
S97-07451 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Kavandi, Janet |
1995 |
S95-09670 |
blue flightsuit |
Kavandi, Janet |
2001 |
JSC2001-00898 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Kelly, Jim |
1996 |
S96-14959 |
blue flightsuit |
Kelly, Mark |
1996 |
S96-14626 |
blue flightsuit |
Kelly, Scott |
1996 |
S96-14778 |
blue flightsuit |
Kelly, Scott |
2001 |
JSC2001-01916 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Kerwin, Joseph |
1965 |
S65- |
business suit (with microscope) |
Kerwin, Joseph |
1965 |
S65-56977 |
business suit (with Gemini model) |
Kerwin, Joseph |
1971 |
S71-52264 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Kerwin, Joseph |
1971 |
S71-52265 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Kerwin, Joseph |
1980 |
S80-29804 |
navy uniform |
Kimbrough, Robert |
2004 |
JSC2004-21451 |
blue flightsuit |
Kondakova, Yelena |
1996 |
S96-20217 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Kopra, Timothy |
2001 |
JSC2001-00132 |
blue flightsuit |
Korzun, Valeri |
2001 |
JSC2001-03047 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Koszelak, Stan |
1990 |
S90-44291 |
blue flightsuit |
Kregel, Kevin |
1992 |
S92-45000 |
blue flightsuit |
Kregel, Kevin |
1996 |
S96-09453 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Krikalev, Sergei |
1993 |
S93-040675 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Kubasov, Valeri |
1974 |
S74-20820 |
business suit |
Lampton, Michael |
1982 |
ESA82.10.010-186 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lampton, Michael |
1983 |
S83-41301 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lawrence, Wendy |
1992 |
S92-44927 |
blue flightsuit |
Lawrence, Wendy |
1997 |
S97-06247 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Lawrence, Wendy |
2003 |
JSC2004-00590 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Lee, Mark |
1984 |
S84-40242 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lee, Mark |
1993 |
S93-48446 |
blue flightsuit |
Lee, Mark |
1995 |
S95-12319 |
STS EVA suit |
Leestma, David |
1980 |
S80-42914 |
light blue flightsuit |
Leestma, David |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Leestma, David |
1993 |
S93-25689 |
business suit |
Lenoir, William |
1967 |
S67-47936 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Lenoir, William |
1971 |
S71-51286 |
business suit |
Lenoir, William |
1971 |
S71-51287 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Lenoir, William |
1979 |
S79-36440 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Leonov, Alexei |
1974 |
S74-20824 |
business suit |
Leslie, Fred |
1994 |
S94-41786 |
blue flightsuit |
Lichtenberg, Byron |
1982 |
ESA82.10.010-172 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lichtenberg, Byron |
1983 |
S83-38067 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lichtenberg, Byron |
1991 |
S91-51294 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Lind, Don |
1966 |
S66-37059 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Lind, Don |
1971 |
S71- |
business suit |
Lind, Don |
1971 |
S71-51280 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Lind, Don |
1981 |
S81-29030 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lindsey, Steven |
1995 |
S95-07009 |
blue flightsuit |
Lindsey, Steven |
1998 |
S98-01464 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Linenger, Jerry |
1992 |
S92-44930 |
blue flightsuit |
Linenger, Jerry |
1995 |
S95-10762 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Linenger, Jerry |
1995 |
S95-21467 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Linnehan, Richard |
1992 |
S92-49225 |
blue flightsuit |
Linnehan, Richard |
2000 |
JSC2000-03747 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Linteris, Gregory |
1996 |
S96-13318 |
blue flightsuit |
Linteris, Gregory |
1997 |
S97-00905 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Llewellyn, John |
1967 |
S67-47932 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Lockhart, Paul |
1996 |
S96-19099 |
blue flightsuit |
Lonchakov, Yuri |
2001 |
JSC2001-00428 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Longhurst, Peter |
1984 |
S84-34320 |
military uniform |
Longhurst, Peter |
1985 |
S85-27251 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lopez-Alegria, Michael |
1992 |
S92-44929 |
blue flightsuit |
Lopez-Alegria, Michael |
2000 |
JSC2000-03028 |
STS EVA suit |
Loria, Christopher |
1996 |
S96-14689 |
blue flightsuit |
Loria, Christopher |
2002 |
JSC2002-20496 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Lounge, Michael |
1980 |
S80-42915 |
light blue flightsuit |
Lousma, Jack |
1966 |
S66-33763 |
business suit |
Lousma, Jack |
1971 |
S71-52262 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Lousma, Jack |
1979 |
S79-36410 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Love, Stanley |
1998 |
S98-17925 |
blue flightsuit |
Lovell, James |
1962 |
S62- |
business suit |
Lovell, James |
1964 |
S64- |
business suit (with Gemini-Titan model) |
Lovell, James |
1969 |
S69- |
Apollo spacesuit |
Lovell, James |
1969 |
S69-62241 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Low, David |
1984 |
S84-40239 |
light blue flightsuit |
Low, David |
1993 |
S93-49618 |
STS EVA suit |
Low, David |
1995 |
S95-17823 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Lu, Edward |
1995 |
S95-06572 |
blue flightsuit |
Lu, Edward |
2000 |
JSC2000-06748 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Lucid, Shannon |
1978 |
S78-35287 |
blue flightsuit |
Lucid, Shannon |
1995 |
S95-21469 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Lucid, Shannon |
1997 |
S97-06343 |
blue flightsuit |
Maclean, Steve |
1992 |
S92-44998 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Maclean, Steve |
1997 |
S97-05509 |
blue flightsuit |
Maclean, Steve |
2002 |
JSC2002-43795 |
STS EVA suit |
Magilton, Gerard |
1985 |
S85-45500 |
light blue flightsuit |
Magnus, Sandra |
1996 |
S96-16637 |
blue flightsuit |
Magnus, Sandra |
2002 |
JSC2002-16084 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Malenchenko, Yuri |
1999 |
S99-07350 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Malerba, Franco |
1991 |
S91-45646 |
blue flightsuit (small model) |
Malerba, Franco |
1992 |
S92-30926 |
blue flightsuit (large model) |
Marshburn, Thomas |
2004 |
JSC2004-21454 |
blue flightsuit |
Massimino, Michael |
1996 |
S96-16636 |
blue flightsuit |
Massimino, Michael |
2001 |
JSC2001-02670 |
STS EVA suit |
Mastracchio, Richard |
1996 |
S96-16635 |
blue flightsuit |
Matthiesen, David |
1994 |
S94-42769 |
blue flightsuit |
Matthiesen, David |
1995 |
S95-10000 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1966 |
S66-33761 |
business suit |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1969 |
S69-62239 |
business suit (with Saturn-5 model) |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1969 |
S69-62237 |
Apollo-13 spacesuit |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1969 |
S69-62234 |
Apollo-13 spacesuit (smiling) |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1971 |
S71-51294 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1971 |
S71-51295 |
Apollo-16 spacesuit |
Mattingly, Thomas |
1979 |
S79-36667 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Mayo, Itzhak |
1999 |
S99-04320 |
blue flightsuit |
McArthur, Megan |
2000 |
JSC2000-07600 |
blue flightsuit |
McArthur, William |
1990 |
S90-45389 |
blue flightsuit |
McArthur, William |
1991 |
S91-49490 |
blue flightsuit |
McArthur, William |
1996 |
S96-11469 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
McArthur, William |
2000 |
JSC2000-04051 |
STS EVA suit |
McAuliffe, Christa |
1985 |
S85-41239 |
light blue flightsuit |
McBride, Jon |
1978 |
S78-35286 |
blue flightsuit |
McBride, Jon |
1984 |
S84-39998 |
light blue flightsuit |
McCandless, Bruce |
1966 |
S66-37484 |
business suit |
McCandless, Bruce |
1971 |
S71-51285 |
business suit (holding magazine) |
McCandless, Bruce |
1971 |
S71-51284 |
Apollo spacesuit |
McCandless, Bruce |
1982 |
S82-36442 |
STS EVA suit |
McCool, William |
1997 |
S97-06617 |
blue flightsuit |
McCool, William |
2001 |
JSC2001-02492 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
McCulley, Michael |
1984 |
S84-40236 |
light blue flightsuit |
McDivitt, James |
1962 |
S62-7806 |
business suit (B&W) |
McDivitt, James |
1962 |
S62-7962 |
business suit |
McDivitt, James |
1964 |
S64-31852 |
business suit |
McDivitt, James |
1968 |
S68-55278 |
military uniform |
McDivitt, James |
1965 |
S65-37253 |
Gemini spacesuit |
McDivitt, James |
1971 |
S71-59425 |
Apollo spacesuit |
McMonagle, Donald |
1987 |
S87-45894 |
blue flightsuit |
McNair, Ronald |
1978 |
S78-35300 |
blue flightsuit |
McNair, Ronald |
1985 |
S85-36539 |
light blue flightsuit |
Meade, Carl |
1985 |
S85-41887 |
light blue flightsuit |
Meade, Carl |
1990 |
S90-38572 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Melnick, Bruce |
1987 |
S87-45886 |
blue flightsuit |
Melvin, Leland |
1998 |
S98-17923 |
blue flightsuit |
Melroy, Pamela |
1995 |
S95-05778 |
blue flightsuit |
Melroy, Pamela |
2003 |
JSC2003-34617 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Merbold, Ulf |
1982 |
ESA82.10.010-170 |
light blue flightsuit |
Merbold, Ulf |
1991 |
S91-52649 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Messerschmidt, Ernst |
1984 |
S84-47034 |
light blue flightsuit |
Metcalf-Lindenburger, Dorothy |
2004 |
JSC2004-21456 |
light blue flightsuit |
Michel, Curt |
1965 |
S65-56975 |
business suit |
Mitchell, Edgar |
1966 |
S66-34893 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Mitchell, Edgar |
1970 |
S70-55388 |
Apollo-14 spacesuit |
Mitchell, Edgar |
1971 |
S71- |
Business suit |
Mohri, Mamoru |
1990 |
S90-48196 |
blue flightsuit |
Mohri, Mamoru |
1997 |
S97-05508 |
blue flightsuit |
Money, Kenneth |
1991 |
S91-50475 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Morgan, Barbara |
1985 |
S85-41240 |
light blue flightsuit |
Morgan, Barbara |
1998 |
S98-19773 |
blue flightsuit |
Morin, Lee |
1996 |
S96-14779 |
blue flightsuit |
Morukov, Boris |
1999 |
S99-07607 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Mukai, Chiaki |
1990 |
S90-50548 |
blue flightsuit |
Mukai, Chiaki |
1993 |
S93-47136 |
blue flightsuit |
Mukai, Chiaki |
1997 |
S97-00568 |
blue flightsuit |
Mullane, Michael |
1978 |
S78-35295 |
blue flightsuit |
Mullane, Michael |
1986 |
S86-38570 |
light blue flightsuit (without nametag) |
Mullane, Michael |
1986 |
S86-40741 |
light blue flightsuit |
Musgrave, Story |
1967 |
S67-47937 |
business suit |
Musgrave, Story |
1971 |
S71-56481 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Musgrave, Story |
1971 |
S71-56482 |
business suit (holding book) |
Musgrave, Story |
1979 |
S79-37745 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Nagel, Steven |
1978 |
S78-35302 |
blue flightsuit |
Nagel, Steven |
1986 |
S86-29527 |
light blue flightsuit |
Nagel, Steven |
1992 |
S92-50604 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Nelson, George |
1978 |
S78-35288 |
blue flightsuit |
Nelson, George |
1984 |
S84-41700 |
light blue flightsuit |
Nelson, William |
1985 |
S85-43440 |
light blue flightsuit |
Neri, Rodolfo |
1985 |
S85-39865 |
light blue flightsuit |
Nespoli, Paolo |
1999 |
S99-05279 |
blue flightsuit |
Newman, James |
1990 |
S90-47741 |
blue flightsuit |
Newman, James |
1995 |
S95-14660 |
STS EVA suit |
Nicollier, Claude |
1981 |
S81-33467 |
light blue flightsuit |
Nicollier, Claude |
1993 |
S93-40688 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Nicollier, Claude |
1999 |
S99-13232 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Noguchi, Soichi |
1997 |
S97-00567 |
blue flightsuit |
Noguchi, Soichi |
2001 |
JSC2001-01619 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Nordsieck, Kenneth |
1984 |
S84-43514 |
business suit |
Nordsieck, Kenneth |
1986 |
S86-25841 |
light blue flightsuit |
Noriega, Carlos |
1995 |
S95-06513 |
blue flightsuit |
Noriega, Carlos |
1999 |
S99-13424 |
STS EVA suit |
Nowak, Lisa |
1996 |
S96-19100 |
blue flightsuit |
Nyberg, Karen |
2000 |
JSC2000-07602 |
blue flightsuit |
O'Connor, Bryan |
1980 |
S80-42917 |
light blue flightsuit |
O'Connor, Bryan |
1990 |
S90-41751 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
O'Leary, Brian |
1967 |
S67-47938 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Ochoa, Ellen |
1990 |
S90-45386 |
blue flightsuit |
Ochoa, Ellen |
1997 |
S97-01586 |
blue flightsuit |
Ochoa, Ellen |
2002 |
JSC2002-08185 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Ockels, Wubbo |
1981 |
S81-33399 |
light blue flightsuit |
Ockels, Wubbo |
1982 |
ESA82.10.010-188 |
light blue flightsuit |
Ockels, Wubbo |
1989 |
ESA 89.01.013-002 |
light blue flightsuit |
Odle, Randy |
1992 |
S92-32790 |
blue flightsuit |
Oefelein, William |
1998 |
S98-17088 |
blue flightsuit |
Oefelein, William |
2003 |
JSC2003-47249 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Olivas, John |
1998 |
S98-17926 |
blue flightsuit |
Onizuka, Ellison |
1978 |
S78-35307 |
blue flightsuit |
Onizuka, Ellison |
1986 |
S86-25964 |
light blue flightsuit |
Onufrienko, Yuri |
2001 |
JSC2001-02113 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Oswald, Stephen |
1985 |
S85-41890 |
light blue flightsuit |
Oswald, Stephen |
1992 |
S92-31007 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Overmyer, Robert |
1971 |
S71-51292 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Overmyer, Robert |
1971 |
S71-51293 |
business suit |
Overmyer, Robert |
1979 |
S79-36439 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Overmyer, Robert |
1985 |
S85-25804 |
light blue flightsuit |
Pailes, William |
1985 |
S85-39897 |
militar uniform |
Pailes, William |
1985 |
S85-39868 |
light blue flightsuit |
Parazynski, Scott |
1992 |
S92-44926 |
blue flightsuit |
Parazynski, Scott |
1998 |
S98-01036 |
STS EVA suit |
Parise, Ronald |
1984 |
S84-43516 |
business suit |
Parise, Ronald |
1986 |
S86-25840 |
light blue flightsuit |
Parise, Ronald |
1990 |
S90-31349 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Parise, Ronald |
1995 |
S95-03171 |
blue flightsuit |
Parker, Robert |
1967 |
S67-47940 |
business suit |
Parker, Robert |
1971 |
S71-52270 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Parker, Robert |
1981 |
S81-29029 |
light blue flightsuit |
Patrick, Nicholas |
1999 |
S99-04988 |
blue flightsuit |
Pawelczyk, James |
1997 |
S97-00906 |
blue flightsuit |
Payette, Julie |
1996 |
S96-17109 |
blue flightsuit |
Payette, Julie |
1999 |
S99-04091 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Payton, Gary |
1984 |
S84-44373 |
light blue flightsuit |
Peralta Fabi, Ricardo |
1985 |
S85-39866 |
light blue flightsuit |
Perrin, Philippe |
1997 |
S97- |
blue flightsuit (wrong nametag) |
Perrin, Philippe |
1997 |
S97-09921 |
blue flightsuit |
Peterson, Donald |
1971 |
S71-51267 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Peterson, Donald |
1971 |
S71-51268 |
business suit |
Peterson, Donald |
1979 |
S79-36378 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Pettit, Donald |
1996 |
S96-16632 |
blue flightsuit |
Pettit, Donald |
2002 |
JSC2002-43073 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Phillips, John |
1996 |
S96-14486 |
blue flightsuit |
Phillips, John |
2002 |
JSC2002-00859 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Phillips, Robert |
1984 |
S84-41297 |
light blue flight suit |
Piper, Heide |
1997 |
S97-06558 |
blue flightsuit |
Piper, Heide |
2003 |
JSC2003-30910 |
STS EVA suit |
Pogue, William |
1966 |
S66-33993 |
business suit |
Pogue, William |
1971 |
S71-52268 |
business suit (holding Skylab model) |
Pogue, William |
1971 |
S71- |
Apollo spacesuit (with Skylab model) |
Pogue, William |
1975 |
S75-31305 |
Apollo spacesuit (with Skylab model) |
Poindexter, Alan |
1998 |
S98-15653 |
blue flightsuit |
Polansky, Mark |
1996 |
S96-16631 |
blue flightsuit |
Pontes, Marcos |
1998 |
S98-19774 |
blue flightsuit |
Prahl, Joseph |
1991 |
S91-42208 |
blue flightsuit |
Precourt, Charles |
1990 |
S90-45441 |
blue flightsuit |
Precourt, Charles |
1991 |
S91-32688 |
blue flightsuit |
Precourt, Charles |
2000 |
JSC2000-03029 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Prinz, Dianne |
1985 |
S85-31405 |
light blue flightsuit |
Pustovyi, Yaroslav |
1997 |
S97-07448 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Ramon, Ilan |
1999 |
S99-04318 |
blue flightsuit |
Ramon, Ilan |
2001 |
JSC2001-02920 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Readdy, William |
1987 |
S87-45884 |
blue flightsuit |
Reightler, Kenneth |
1987 |
S87-45889 |
blue flightsuit |
Reightler, Kenneth |
1993 |
S93-42398 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Reilly, James |
1995 |
S95-08801 |
blue flightsuit |
Reilly, James |
1998 |
S98-00122 |
STS EVA suit |
Reisman, Garrett |
1998 |
S99-00076 |
blue flightsuit |
Resnik, Judith |
1978 |
S78-35305 |
blue flightsuit |
Richards, Paul |
1996 |
S96-16630 |
blue flightsuit |
Richards, Paul |
2001 |
JSC2001-00124 |
STS EVA suit |
Richards, Richard |
1980 |
S80-42912 |
light blue flightsuit |
Richards, Richard |
1989 |
S89-29425 |
STS blue launch & entry suit |
Richards, Richard |
1994 |
S94-36625 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Ride, Sally |
1978 |
S78-25689 |
civil suit |
Ride, Sally |
1978 |
S78-35308 |
blue flightsuit |
Ride, Sally |
1984 |
S84-37256 |
blue polo |
Robinson, Stephen |
1995 |
S95-11471 |
blue flightsuit |
Rominger, Kent |
1992 |
S92-44961 |
blue flightsuit |
Rominger, Kent |
2001 |
JSC2001-01913 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Ronney, Paul |
1996 |
S96-12027 |
blue flightsuit |
Roosa, Stuart |
1966 |
S66-35213 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Roosa, Stuart |
1970 |
S70-55390 |
Apollo-14 spacesuit |
Roosa, Stuart |
1971 |
S71-59427 |
business suit (holding CSM model) |
Ross, Jerry |
1981 |
S81-25296 |
light blue flightsuit |
Ross, Jerry |
1988 |
S88-50921 |
STS EVA suit |
Ross, Jerry |
1996 |
S96-00265 |
STS EVA suit |
Runco, Mario |
1987 |
S87-45885 |
blue flightsuit |
Runco, Mario |
1993 |
S93-32840 |
STS EVA suit |
Ryumin, Valery |
1998 |
S98-02782 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Sacco, Albert |
1991 |
S91-44589 |
blue flightsuit |
Sacco, Albert |
1994 |
S94-46763 |
blue flightsuit |
Satcher, Robert |
2004 |
JSC2004-21448 |
blue flightsuit |
Schirra, Walter |
1960 |
G60-2741 |
business suit (mercury-Atlas model) |
Schirra, Walter |
1962 |
S62-5526 |
Mercury spacesuit |
Schirra, Walter |
1964 |
S64-31480 |
business suit |
Schlegel, Hans |
1993 |
S93-26032 |
blue flightsuit |
Schlegel, Hans |
1998 |
S98-20023 |
blue flightsuit |
Schmitt, Harrison |
1966 |
S66-19126 |
business suit |
Schmitt, Harrison |
1970 |
S70-29660 |
business suit (with moon globe) |
Schmitt, Harrison |
1971 |
S71-52260 |
Apollo-17 spacesuit |
Schweickart, Russell |
1963 |
S63-20062 |
business suit |
Schweickart, Russell |
1964 |
S64-29936 |
business suit (with Saturn-5 model) |
Schweickart, Russell |
1971 |
S71-51266 |
business suit (with globe) |
Schweickart, Russell |
1971 |
S71-51265 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Scobee, Francis |
1975 |
ECN-4896 |
with X-24B lifting body |
Scobee, Francis |
1975 |
ECN-4972 |
with X-24B lifting body |
Scobee, Francis |
1978 |
S78-35293 |
blue flightsuit |
Scobee, Francis |
1984 |
S84-39408 |
light blue flightsuit |
Scott, David |
1963 |
S63-20054 |
business suit |
Scott, David |
1964 |
S64-31472 |
business suit |
Scott, David |
1971 |
S71-52276 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Scott, David |
1971 |
S71-52277 |
business suit (with LRV model) |
Scott, David |
1975 |
ECN-4503 |
business suit (FRC Director) |
Scott, Winston |
1992 |
S92-45226 |
blue flightsuit |
Scott, Winston |
1996 |
S96-10840 |
STS EVA suit |
Scully-Power |
1984 |
S84-38407 |
light blue flightsuit |
Searfoss, Richard |
1990 |
S90-46295 |
blue flightsuit |
Searfoss, Richard |
1998 |
S98-00611 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Seddon, Rhea |
1978 |
S78-35314 |
blue flightsuit |
Seddon, Rhea |
1992 |
S92-36739 |
blue flightsuit |
See, Elliot |
1962 |
S62-7801 |
business suit (B&W) |
See, Elliot |
1962 |
S62- |
business suit |
See, Elliot |
1964 |
S64-29933 |
business suit |
Sega, Ron |
1990 |
S90-48091 |
blue flightsuit |
Sega, Ron |
1992 |
S92-45896 |
blue flightsuit |
Sega, Ron |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Sellers, Piers |
1996 |
S96-14960 |
blue flightsuit |
Sellers, Piers |
2002 |
JSC2002-11030 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Sharipov, Salizan |
1997 |
S97-12565 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Shaw, Brewster |
1978 |
S78-35284 |
blue flightsuit |
Shaw, Brewster |
1989 |
S89-29371 |
STS blue launch & entry suit |
Shaw, Brewster |
1990 |
KSC-90C-705 |
business suit |
Shepard, Alan |
1959 |
L59-2364 |
business suit |
Shepard, Alan |
1960 |
G60-2742 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Shepard, Alan |
1964 |
S64-29932 |
business suit |
Shepard, Alan |
1970 |
S70-55389 |
Apollo-14 spacesuit |
Shepard, Alan |
1971 |
S71-51258 |
business suit |
Shepherd, William |
1984 |
S84-40234 |
light blue flightsuit |
Sherlock, Nancy |
see: Currie, Nancy |
Shriver, Loren |
1978 |
S78-35312 |
blue flightsuit |
Shriver, Loren |
1986 |
S86-36394 |
blue flightsuit |
Shulman, Ellen |
see: Baker, Ellen |
Simon, George |
1985 |
S85-31407 |
light blue flightsuit |
Slayton, Donald |
1960 |
G60-2743 |
business suit (Mercury-Atlas model) |
Slayton, Donald |
1962 |
S62-5536 |
business suit |
Slayton, Donald |
1964 |
S64-31709 |
business suit |
Slayton, Donald |
1971 |
S71-51290 |
light blue flightsuit (holding helmet) |
Slayton, Donald |
1971 |
S71-51291 |
business suit |
Slayton, Donald |
1974 |
S74-15240 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Slayton, Donald |
1981 |
S81-27620 |
light blue flightsuit |
Smith, Michael |
1981 |
S81-25295 |
light blue flightsuit |
Smith, Steven |
1992 |
S92-44999 |
blue flightsuit |
Smith, Steven |
1997 |
S97-17579 |
STS EVA suit |
Spring, Sherwood |
1981 |
S81-25294 |
light blue flightsuit |
Springer, Robert |
1981 |
S81-25578 |
light blue flightsuit |
Springer, Robert |
1988 |
S88-49485 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Stafford, Thomas |
1962 |
S62-7959 |
business suit |
Stafford, Thomas |
1966 |
S66-15994 |
Gemini spacesuit (B&W) |
Stafford, Thomas |
1966 |
S66-16512 |
Gemini spacesuit |
Stafford, Thomas |
1969 |
S69-32618 |
Apollo-10 spacesuit |
Stafford, Thomas |
1972 |
S72-35016 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Stefanyshyn-Piper, Heide |
see: Piper, Heide |
Stewart, Robert |
1978 |
S78-35309 |
blue flightsuit |
Stewart, Robert |
1983 |
S83-43688 |
STS EVA suit |
Still, Susan |
1995 |
S95-08952 |
blue flightsuit |
Still, Susan |
1997 |
S97-01439 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Still, Susan |
2000 |
JSC2000-01984 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Stott, Nicole |
2000 |
JSC2000-07307 |
blue flightsuit |
Sturckow, Frederick |
1995 |
S95-05777 |
blue flightsuit |
Sudarmono, Pratiwi |
1986 |
S86-31198 |
light blue flightsuit |
Sullivan, Kathryn |
1978 |
S78-35313 |
blue flightsuit |
Sullivan, Kathryn |
1984 |
S84-37982 |
blue polo |
Sullivan, Kathryn |
1984 |
S84-44219 |
llght blue flightsuit |
Swanson, Steven |
1998 |
S98-17339 |
blue flightsuit |
Swigert, John |
1966 |
S66-34892 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Swigert, John |
1971 |
S71-52266 |
Apollo spacesuit (with LM model) |
Swigert, John |
1971 |
S71-52266 |
business suit (holding magazine) |
Tani, Danile |
1996 |
S96-16634 |
blue flightsuit |
Tani, Daniel |
2001 |
JSC2001-02581 |
STS EVA suit |
Tanner, Joseph |
1992 |
S92-45228 |
blue flightsuit |
Tanner, Joseph |
2002 |
JSC2002-00186 |
STS EVA suit |
Thagard, Norman |
1978 |
S78-35299 |
blue flightsuit |
Thiele, Gerhard |
1993 |
S93-26886 |
blue flightsuit |
Thiele, Gerhard |
1997 |
S97-01066 |
blue flightsuit |
Thirsk, Robert |
1984 |
S84-40081 |
light blue flightsuit |
Thirsk, Robert |
1995 |
S95-15076 |
blue flightsuit |
Thomas, Andrew |
1992 |
S92-49268 |
blue flightsuit |
Thomas, Andrew |
1996 |
S96-04832 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Thomas, Andrew |
1997 |
S97-06249 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Thomas, Andrew |
1997 |
S97-17661 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Thomas, Andrew |
2001 |
JSC2001-00299 |
STS EVA suit |
Thomas, Donald |
1990 |
S90-47435 |
blue flightsuit |
Thomas, Donald |
1991 |
S91-48165 |
blue flightsuit |
Thomas, Donald |
1997 |
S97-02819 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Thorne, Stephen |
1985 |
S85-41892 |
light blue flightsuit |
Thornton, Kathryn |
1984 |
S84-40237 |
light blue flightsuit |
Thornton, Kathryn |
1992 |
S92-42897 |
STS EVA suit |
Thornton, William |
1967 |
S67-47939 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Thornton, William |
1971 |
S71-59426 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Thornton, William |
1981 |
S81-29033 |
light blue flightsuit |
Thuot, Pierre |
1985 |
S85-41896 |
light blue flightsuit |
Thuot, Pierre |
1992 |
S92-41763 |
STS EVA suit |
Titov, Vladimir |
1993 |
S93-27942 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Tognini, Michel |
1995 |
S95-07813 |
blue flightsuit |
Tokarev, Valery |
1999 |
S99-03799 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Treschev, Yuri |
2001 |
JSC2001-03046 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Trinh, Eugene |
1984 |
S84-36142 |
light blue flightsuit |
Trinh, Eugene |
1991 |
S91-46260 |
blue flightsuit |
Truly, Richard |
1971 |
S71-51297 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Truly, Richard |
1976 |
S76-28364 |
blue flightsuit (ALT) |
Truly, Richard |
1979 |
S79-36527 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Truly, Richard |
1989 |
S89-45887 |
business suit (NASA Administrator) |
Tryggvason, Bjarni |
1992 |
S92-46528 |
blue flightsuit |
Tryggvason, Bjarni |
1997 |
S97-06278 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Tyurin, Michail |
2001 |
JSC2001-00929 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Urbani, Luca |
1995 |
S95-14280 |
blue flightsuit |
Urbani, Luca |
1996 |
S96-06193 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Usachev, Yuri |
2000 |
JSC2000-02040 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Van Den Berg, Lodewijk |
1984 |
S84-36140 |
light blue flightsuit |
Van Hoften, James |
1978 |
S78-35311 |
blue flightsuit |
Van Hoften, James |
1984 |
S84-42000 |
light blue flightsuit |
Vangen, Scott |
1994 |
S94-030252 |
blue flightsuit |
Veach, Lacy |
1984 |
S84-40233 |
light blue flightsuit |
Virts, Terry |
2001 |
JSC2001-00033 |
blue flightsuit |
Vittori, Roberto |
2000 |
JSC2000-07238 |
blue flightsuit |
Voss, James |
1987 |
S87-45892 |
blue flightsuit |
Voss, James |
1995 |
S95-14061 |
STS EVA suit |
Voss, James |
1997 |
S97-06248 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Voss, Janice |
1990 |
S90-45392 |
blue flightsuit |
Voss, Janice |
1991 |
S91-46126 |
blue flightsuit |
Voss, Janice |
1997 |
S97-02820 |
blue flightsuit |
Wakata, Koichi |
1992 |
S92-44960 |
blue flightsuit |
Wakata, Koichi |
1999 |
S99-15795 |
STS launch & entry suit |
Walheim, Rex |
1997 |
S97-04231 |
blue flightsuit |
Walheim, Rex |
2003 |
JSC2003-47248 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Walker, Charles |
1983 |
S83-36130 |
business suit |
Walker, Charles |
1984 |
S84-27269 |
light blue flightsuit |
Walker, Charles |
1985 |
S85-28868 |
light blue flightsuit (red background) |
Walker, David |
1978 |
S78-35285 |
blue flightsuit |
Walker, David |
1986 |
S86-35145 |
light blue flightsuit |
Walker, David |
1989 |
S89-29426 |
STS blue launch & entry suit |
Walker, David |
1992 |
S92-47653 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Walker, Shannon |
2004 |
JSC2004-21452 |
blue flightsuit |
Walter, Ulrich |
1993 |
S93-26030 |
blue flightsuit |
Walter, Ulrich |
1993 |
S93-26031 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Walz, Carl |
1990 |
S90-45287 |
blue flightsuit |
Walz, Carl |
1991 |
S91-32691 |
blue flightsuit |
Walz, Carl |
1995 |
S95-15563 |
STS EVA suit |
Wang, Taylor |
1984 |
S84-36141 |
light blue flightsuit |
Watterson, Brett |
1986 |
S86-34147 |
light blue flightsuit |
Weber, Mary Ellen |
1992 |
S92-45227 |
blue flightsuit |
Weber, Mary Ellen |
1996 |
S96-07944 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Weitz, Paul |
1966 |
S66-33762 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Weitz, Paul |
1971 |
S71-51307 |
Apollo spacesuit |
Weitz, Paul |
1979 |
S79-36379 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Weitz, Paul |
1984 |
S84-41148 |
blue flightsuit |
Weitz, Paul |
1986 |
S86-41798 |
business suit |
Wetherbee, James |
1984 |
S84-40238 |
light blue flightsuit |
Wetherbee, James |
1989 |
S89-48930 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Wheelock, Douglas |
1998 |
S98-16777 |
blue flightsuit |
White, Edward |
1963 |
S63-15896 |
business suit |
White, Edward |
1963 |
S63-15898 |
business suit |
White, Edward |
1964 |
S64-31631 |
Gemini spacesuit |
White, Edward |
1966 |
S66-35219 |
military uniform |
Whitson, Peggy |
1996 |
S96-16633 |
blue flightsuit |
Whitson, Peggy |
2001 |
JSC2001-03044 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Wilcutt, Terrence |
1990 |
S90-47740 |
blue flightsuit |
Wilcutt, Terrence |
1994 |
S94-31663 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Wilcutt, Terrence |
2003 |
JSC2003-41874 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Williams, Bill |
1984 |
S84-41298 |
light blue flightsuit |
Williams, Clifton |
1964 |
S64-31711 |
business suit |
Williams, David |
1995 |
S95-07027 |
blue flightsuitl |
Williams, David |
2001 |
JSC2001-00190 |
STS launch & entry suit |
Williams, Donald |
1978 |
S78-25714 |
business suit |
Williams, Donald |
1978 |
S78-35310 |
blue flightsuit |
Williams, Donald |
1986 |
S86-42151 |
light blue flightsuit |
Williams, Jeffrey |
1996 |
S96-14769 |
blue flightsuit |
Williams, Sunita |
1998 |
S99-01168 |
blue flightsuit |
Wilmore, Barry |
2000 |
JSC2000-07135 |
blue flightsuit |
Wilson, Stephanie |
1997 |
S97-10246 |
blue flightsuit |
Wisoff, Jeff |
1990 |
S90-45443 |
blue flightsuit |
Wisoff, Jeff |
blue flightsuit |
Wisoff, Jeff |
2000 |
JSC2000-04968 |
STS EVA suit |
Wolf, David |
1990 |
S90-45136 |
blue flightsuit |
Wolf, David |
1997 |
S97-06250 |
Sokol spacesuit |
Wolf, David |
2000 |
JSC2000-03056 |
STS EVA suit |
Wood, Nigel |
1984 |
S84-34322 |
military uniform |
Wood, Nigel |
1985 |
S85-27250 |
light blue flightsuit |
Wood, Robert |
1985 |
S85-39592 |
business suit |
Wood, Robert |
1985 |
S85-43556 |
light blue flightsuit (red background) |
Woodward, Neil |
1998 |
S98-16513 |
blue flightsuit |
Worden, Alfred |
1966 |
S66-39057 |
business suit (with LM model) |
Worden, Alfred |
1971 |
S71- |
Business suit (with lunar globe) |
Worden, Alfred |
1971 |
S71-52280 |
Apollo-15 spacesuit |
Young, John |
1962 |
S62-7960 |
business suit |
Young, John |
1964 |
S64-29940 |
Gemini spacesuit |
Young, John |
1969 |
S69-32616 |
Apollo-10 spacesuit |
Young, John |
1971 |
S71-51262 |
business suit |
Young, John |
1971 |
S71-51261 |
Apollo-16 spacesuit |
Young, John |
1979 |
S79-31776 |
STS yellow emergency escape suit |
Young, John |
1986 |
S86-38018 |
blue flightsuit |
Young, John |
1992 |
S92-50603 |
blue flightsuit |
Young, John |
2002 |
JSC2002-00394 |
blue flightsuit |
Young, Lawrence |
1992 |
S92-49243 |
blue flightsuit |
Yurchikhin, Fyodor |
2002 |
JSC2002-09639 |
STS orange launch & entry suit |
Zamka, George |
1998 |
S98-18639 |
blue flightsuit |

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