Exhibit Endeavour: NASA shuffles shuttles for final museum prep
Photos credit: collectSPACE/Robert Z. Pearlman

There are more than 2,020 separate displays and controls located on Endeavour's flight deck. |

The nine screens seen here represent part of the Multi-function Electronic Display System (MEDS), a "glass cockpit" comprised by 11 full color, flat panel screens that replaced dozens of outdated electromechanical cockpit dials, instruments and gauges. Endeavour made its first flight with the MEDS upgrade in 2007. |

Endeavour's aft flight deck displays and controls were used for executing attitude or translational maneuvers during rendezvous, station keeping, docking, payload deployment and retrieval, payload monitoring, remote manipulator system (robotic arm) operations, payload bay door operations and closed-circuit television operations. |

Endeavour's underbelly (with deployed landing gear) is covered with more than 20,000 thermal protection system tiles that shielded the orbiter from the heat generated during reentry into the Earth's atmosphere. |

Endeavour's 60-foot payload bay, where most of the shuttle's cargo was stored for launch, on-orbit operations and landing, comprises the orbiter's midfuselage. |

The circular openings for Endeavour's three main engines. The engines will not be reinstalled as they are being kept by NASA for future re-use with the Space Launch System. Instead, replica engines comprised mostly of spent nozzles will be installed in the engines' place. |

Related article: Exhibit Endeavour: NASA shuffles shuttles for final museum prep

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