
FLIGHT DAY: Countdown • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12

STS-133 Launch Countdown Milestones and Times | |
(All times are Eastern)
Launch-3 Days (Monday, Feb. 21)
- Prepare for the start of the STS-133 launch countdown
- Perform the call to stations (2:30 p.m.)
- Countdown begins at the T-43 hour mark (3 p.m.)
- Begin final vehicle and facility closeouts for launch
- Check out backup flight systems
Launch-2 Days (Tuesday, Feb. 22)
- Configure avionics systems for launch
- Review flight software stored in mass memory units and display systems
- Verify backup flight system software in Discovery’s general purpose computer
- Activate and test navigational systems (4 a.m.)
- Complete preparations to load power reactant storage and distribution system (6 a.m.)
- Flight Crew Equipment early stow and flight deck preliminary inspections complete (7 a.m.)
Enter 4-hour built-in hold at T-27 hours (7 a.m.)
- Clear launch pad of all nonessential personnel
- Perform test of the vehicle's pyrotechnic initiator controllers and range safety system
Resume countdown (11 a.m.)
- Begin operations to load cryogenic reactants into Discovery’s fuel cell storage tanks (11 a.m.)
- Enter 8-hour built-in hold at T-19 hours (7 p.m.)
- Demate orbiter mid-body umbilical unit (11:30 p.m.)
Launch-1 Days (Wednesday, Feb. 23)
- Resume orbiter and ground support equipment closeouts
Resume countdown (3 a.m.)
- Main engine avionics, pneumatics and controller checkout (3 a.m.)
- External Tank feedline inspection/camera cleaning
- Flight Crew Equipment stowage
- Begin removal of pad ground support equipment
Enter built-in 13 hours, 25 minute hold at T-11 hours (11 a.m.)
- Activate the orbiter's communications systems
- Lower engine support platforms, retract access platforms
- External Tank Inspections
- Rotating Service Structure begins move away from Discovery to the park position (8 p.m.)
- Perform ascent switch list
- Complete Flight Crew Systems time critical stowage (middeck payloads)
- Fuel cell flow-through purge complete
Launch Day (Thursday, Feb. 24)
Resume countdown at T-11 hours (12:25 a.m.)
- Activate the orbiter's fuel cells (1:35 a.m.)
- Clear the pad of all nonessential personnel (2:25 a.m.)
- Switch Discovery's purge air to gaseous nitrogen (2:25 a.m.)
- Complete final walkdowns
Enter 2-hour built-in hold at the T-6 hour mark (5:25 a.m.)
- Clear pad of all personnel (5:35 a.m.)
- Complete tanking preparations
- Launch team verifies no violations of launch commit criteria prior to cryogenic loading of the external tank
Resume countdown (7:25 a.m.)
- Chill down propellant transfer lines (7:25 a.m.)
- Begin loading the external fuel tank with about 500,000 gallons of cryogenic propellants (about 7:35 a.m.)
Enter 2-hour, 30-minute built-in hold at T-3 hours (10:25 a.m.)
- Perform inertial measurement unit preflight calibration
- Align Merritt Island Launch Area tracking antennas
- Complete filling the external tank with its flight load of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants (about 10:25 a.m.)
- Final Inspection Team and Closeout Crew proceeds to launch pad
Resume countdown at T-3 hours (12:55 p.m.)
- Perform open loop test with Eastern Range
- Crew departs Operations and Checkout (O&C) Building for the pad (1 p.m.)
- Complete closeout preparations in the White Room
- Check cockpit switch configurations
- Begin Eastern Range final network open loop command checks
- Flight crew begins entry into the orbiter (1:30 p.m.)
- Astronauts perform air-to-ground voice checks with Launch and Mission Control
- Begin to close Discovery’s crew hatch (2:35 p.m.)
- Perform hatch seal and cabin leak checks
- Complete White Room closeout
- Closeout crew moves to fallback area
- Primary ascent guidance data is transferred to the backup flight system
Enter 10-minute hold at T-20 minutes (3:35 p.m.)
NASA test director conducts final launch team briefings
Resume countdown at T-20 minutes (3:45 p.m.)
- Transition the orbiter's onboard computers to launch configuration
- Start fuel cell thermal conditioning
- Close orbiter cabin vent valves
- Transition backup flight system to launch configuration
Enter estimated 45-minute hold at T-9 minutes (5:56 p.m.)
- Final launch window determination
- Launch director, Mission Management Team and NASA test director conduct final polls for "go/no go" to launch
Resume countdown at T-9 minutes (about 4:41 p.m.)
- Start automatic ground launch sequencer (T-9 minutes)
- Retract orbiter crew access arm (T-7:30)
- Start APU recorders (T-6:15)
- Start auxiliary power units (T-5)
- Terminate liquid oxygen replenish (T-4:55)
- Start orbiter aerosurface profile test (T-3:55)
- Start main engine gimbal profile test (T-3:30)
- Pressurize liquid oxygen tank (T-2:55)
- Begin retracting the gaseous oxygen vent arm (T-2:50)
- Fuel cells to internal reactants (T-2:35)
- Pressurize liquid hydrogen tank (T-1:57)
- Deactivate bi-pod heaters (T-1:52)
- Deactivate solid rocket booster joint heaters (T-0:50 seconds)
- Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power (T-0:50 seconds)
- Ground launch sequencer go for auto sequence start (T-0:31 seconds)
- Booster gimbal profile (T-0:21 seconds)
- Ignition of three space shuttle main engines (T-6.6 seconds)
- Booster ignition and liftoff (T-0)
Preferred launch time: 4:50:24 p.m.
Flight Day Archive: Countdown • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12

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