Association of Space Explorers presents an...
Astronaut Autograph Party
at the Chabot Space & Science Center
Saturday, January 13, 2007, 3pm - 5pm
Oakland, California
Astronauts participating:
Rusty Schweickart Apollo 9 lunar module pilot |
Wally Schirra Original Mercury astronaut Sigma 7, Gemini 6A, Apollo 7 |
Scott Carpenter Original Mercury astronaut Aurora 7 |
Alexei Leonov first man to walk in space Voskhod 2, ASTP |
Franklin Chang-Diaz seven shuttle missions 61C, 34, 46, 60, 75, 91, 111 |
Sergei Avdeev spent 747.59 days in orbit TM-15, TM-22, TM-28 |
Dorin Prunariu first Romanian cosmonaut Soyuz 40 |
Bonnie Dunbar five shuttle missions 61A, 32, 50, 71, 89 |
Karol "Bo" Bobko 386 hours in space STS-6, STS-51D, STS-51J |
Millie Hughes-Fulford payload specialist STS-40 |
Thomas Jones four space shuttle flights 59, 68, 80, 98 |
Autographs are $50 each. A package deal for all 11 astronauts will be announced. Regular admission to Chabot ($13/adult; $9/child) is additional / required.
Proceeds from this signing will support funding for a series of international workshops to draft the United Nations Treaty on Near-Earth Object deflection.
Astronauts will sign items brought by attendees and photos appropriate for autographs will be available.
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Astronaut images Courtesy SpaceFacts.de
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